
O heart, tell me, is there comfort in separation?

يا قلب أخبرني وفي النأي راحة

1. O heart, tell me, is there comfort in separation?
When Hind makes up her mind, what will you do?

١. يا قَلبِ أَخبِرني وَفي النَأيِ راحَةٌ
إِذا ما نَوَت هِندٌ نَوىً كَيفَ تَصنَعُ

2. Will you gather despair or yearn like a young man
Pining after Hind when she's gone and fret?

٢. أَتُجمِعُ يَأساً أَم تَحِنُّ صَبابَةً
عَلى إِثرِ هِندٍ حينَ بانَت وَتَجزَعُ

3. Patience is best when she reveals her love,
And scolding a heart that bowed to parting.

٣. وَلَلصَبرُ خَيرٌ حينَ بانَت بِوُدِّها
وَزَجرُ فُؤادٍ كانَ لِلبَينِ يَخشَعُ

4. The staff was struck in joining with Hind for you
As it was once for the forbearing one to be struck.

٤. وَقَد قُرِعَت في وَصلِ هِندٍ لَكَ العَصا
قَديماً كَما كانَت لِذى الحِلمِ تُقرَعُ

5. You grieved though Hind's secret wasn't fully known,
Revealing a secret that was close to me distressed you.

٥. جَزِعتَ وَما في فَجعِ هِندٍ بِسِرِّها
وَاِفشاءِ سِرٍّ كانَ نَحوِيَ تَجزَعُ

6. But so people would know that without your affection
I do not follow anything, this I pursue.

٦. وَلَكِن عَلى أَن يَعلَمَ الناسُ أَنَّني
عَلى غَيرِ شَيءٍ مِن نَوالِكِ أَتبَعُ

7. So do not deprive a soul constricted by ardent love,
It has suffered from the intensity of passion overflowing.

٧. فَلا تَحرِمي نَفساً عَلَيكِ مَضيقَةً
وَقَد كَرَبَت مِن شِدَّةِ الوَجدِ تَطلَعُ

8. There is no joy in any love but yours,
And I am no man after you that I would anguish.

٨. وَلَيسَ بِحُبٍّ غَيرِ حُبِّكِ لَذَّةً
وَلَستُ بِشَخصٍ بَعدَ شَخصِكِ أَجزَعُ

9. My friend whose union I hoped for is not realized,
And my secret has no place with anyone but me.

٩. وَلَيسَ خَليلي بِالمُرَجّى وِصالُهُ
وَلَيسَ لِسِرّي عِندَ غَيرِيَ مَوضِعُ