
O you who persists in love, do you not

يا ذا الذي في الحب يلحى أما

1. O you who persists in love, do you not
Fear the punishment of God in us, do you not

١. يا ذا الَّذي في الحُبِّ يَلحى أَما
تَخشى عِقابَ اللَهِ فينا أَما

2. Know that love is an illness, do you not
By God, if you were burdened as I

٢. تَعلَمُ أَنَّ الحُبَّ داءٌ أَما
وَاللَهِ لَو حُمِّلتَ مِنهُ كَما

3. Was burdened with feeble love, you would not
Blame me for love, so leave me be and do not

٣. حُمِّلتُ مِن حُبٍّ رَخيمٍ لَما
لُمتُ عَلى الحُبِّ فَدَعني وَما

4. Seek what I do not know, except that while
I was at the door of the palace, taking some

٤. أَطلُبُ إِنّي لَستُ أَدري بِما
قُتِلتُ إِلّا أَنَّني بَينَما

5. Of what I seek from their palace, he shot
An arrow like a gazelle, and his

٥. أَنا بِبابِ القَصرِ بي بَعضِ ما
أَطلُبُ مِن قَصرِهِمُ إِذ رَمى

6. Arrows did not miss, but his
Eyes were two arrows, whenever

٦. شِبهُ غَزالٍ بِسِهامٍ فَما
أَخطَأَ سَهماهُ وَلَكِنَّما

7. He wanted to kill me with them, they gave peace

٧. عَيناهُ سَهمانِ لَهُ كُلَّما
أَرادَ قَتلي بِهِما سَلَّما