1. O heart, why do I see you awaken?
Long has attachment ensnared you,
١. أَيُّها القَلبُ ما أَراكَ تَفيقُ
طالَ ما قَد تَعَلَّقَتكَ العَلوقُ
2. If today the mother of Bakr comes
And takes to solace the road,
٢. هَل لَكَ اليَومَ إِن نَأَت أُمُّ بَكرٍ
وَتَوَلَّت إِلى عَزاءٍ طَريقُ
3. Who is near to the love of a beloved,
Then I am the distant, far-off outcast,
٣. مَن يَكُن مِن هَوى حَبيبٍ قَريباً
فَأَنا النازِحُ البَعيدُ السَحيقُ
4. Love between us was predestined, so we met
And both of us were eager for the meeting,
٤. قُدِّرَ الحُبُّ بَينَنا فَاِلتَقَينا
وَكِلانا إِلى اللِقاءِ مَشوقُ
5. We met and did not conceal what we encountered
The night of fear and of purpose that leads,
٥. فَاِلتَقَينا وَلَم نَخَف ما لَقينا
لَيلَةَ الخَيفِ وَالمُنى قَد تَسوقُ
6. And between us occurred, renewing a bond,
A fickle one, inconstant of tongue, a comrade,
٦. وَجَرى بَينَنا فَجَدَّدَ وَصلاً
حوَّلٌ قُلَّبُ اللِسانِ رَفيقُ
7. Think not that correspondence and gift-giving
Are proper from me for all women,
٧. لا تَظُنّي أَنَّ التَراسُلَ وَالبَذ
لَ بِكُلِّ النِساءِ عِندي يَليقُ
8. Some of them are indeed worthy of honor,
And between them and me is a far span.
٨. إِنَّ مِنهُنَّ لِلكَرامَةِ أَهلاً
وَالَّذي بَينَهُنَّ بَونٌ سَحيقُ