
They see me as weak, most people find fault

أراني وهندا أكثر الناس قالة

1. They see me as weak, most people find fault
With me, while people tend to blame a man,

١. أَراني وَهِنداً أَكثَرَ الناسُ قالَةً
عَلَينا وَقالُ الناسِ بِالمَرءِ مُلحِقُ

2. Their women malign me, and my friends blame me too,
Each does the utmost that he can to hinder.

٢. تُكَنِّنُها نِسوانُها وَيَلومُني
صِحابي وَكُلٌّ ما اِستَطاعَ مُعَوِّقُ

3. Yet we pursue the path the slanderers made,
Submissive, whatever way the matter ends.

٣. فَنَحنُ عَلى بَغيِ الوُشاةِ وَسَعيِهِم
هَوانا جَميعٌ أَمرُنا حَيثُ يُصفَقُ

4. If we should start a course till now untried,
We would be called, for what they say, iconoclasts.

٤. فَإِن نَحنُ جِئنا سُنَّةً لَم تَكُن مَضَت
فَنَحنُ إِذا مِمّا يَقولونَ أَخرَقُ

5. But if the course was one men followed before,
Why do they talk of us, make divisions?

٥. وَإِن كانَ أَمراً سَنَّهُ الناسُ قَبلَنا
فَفيمَ مَقالُ الناسِ فينا تَفَرَّقوا

6. Is it right that a songstress never loved a knight,
Or that no men have loved and felt passion?

٦. أَحَقّاً بِأَن لَم تَهوَ غانِيَةٌ فَتىً
وَأَنَّ أُناساً لَم يُحِبّوا وَيَعشَقوا

7. Who is the man, if I do as they command,
That frets on sleepless nights and tosses wakeful?

٧. فَمَن ذا الَّذي إِن جِئتُ ما أَمَروا بِهِ
يَبيتُ بِهَمٍّ آخِرَ اللَيلِ يَأرَقُ

8. But she we're barred from joining, if she longs for us,
Will lie awake, when yearning comes, craving us.

٨. وَإِنَّ الَّتي نَهَّينَها عَن وِصالِنا
تَبيتُ إِذا اِشتاقَت إِلَينا تَشَوَّقُ

9. We are wronged that their talk should bar our road,
All the charges they have levelled and attached.

٩. فَإِنّا لَمَحقوقونَ أَن لا يَرُدَّنا
أَقاويلُ ما سَدّوا عَلَينا وَأَلصَقوا