
Oh how excellent is Najd!

ألا يا حبذا نجد

1. Oh how excellent is Najd!
And who lives on its land,

١. أَلا يا حَبَّذا نَجدٌ
وَمَن أُسكِنها أَرضا

2. How lively are its lovable people,
Even if they bore me hatred,

٢. وَحَيّا حَبَّذا ما هُم
وَلو لي حَقِدوا البُغضا

3. And because of passion I approach,
Those who did not please me when angry,

٣. وَمِن أَجلِ الهَوى أُدنى
لِمَن لَم أَرضَهُ مَعضا

4. I clung to you as a youth,
Until I saw your head turning white,

٤. عَلِقتُكِ ناشِئاً حَتّى
رَأَيتُ الرَأسَ مُبيَضّا

5. So if you tend to my love,
You will find it ever fresh,

٥. فَإِن تَتَعاهَدي وُدّي
إِذاً تَجِدينَهُ غَضّا

6. Despite stinginess, coldness,
And your withdrawal of favors,

٦. عَلى بُخلٍ وَتَصريدٍ
وَقَبضِ نَوالِكُم قَبضا

7. I crave your memory, even if
I found in you something displeasing,

٧. أَهيمُ بِذِكرِكُم لَو أَن
نَ خَيراً مِنكُمُ بَضّا

8. Oh, how strange is our stance!
One of us reproaches the other!

٨. فَيا عَجَباً لِمَوقِفِنا
يُعاتِبُ بَعضُنا بَعضا