
You cried with ecstasy, O Abu-Bishr,

أبكيت من طرب أبا بشر

1. You cried with ecstasy, O Abu-Bishr,
And remembered Uthma in such remembrance,

١. أَبكَيتَ مِن طَرَبٍ أَبا بِشرِ
وَذَكَرتَ عَثمَةَ أَيَّما ذِكرِ

2. She who when I passed by her
In circumambulation between the corner and the rock,

٢. وَهِيَ الَّتي لَما مَرَرتُ بِها
في الطَوفِ بَينَ الرُكنِ وَالحِجرِ

3. Said "An undistinguished horse,"
So I heard what she said though she knew it not

٣. قالَت حَصانٌ غَيرُ فاحِشَةٍ
فَسَمِعتُ ما قالَت وَلَم تَدرِ

4. To a contemptible crippled man circling about her
Like a frightened deer circling round lote-trees,

٤. لِمَناصِفٍ خُرُدٍ يَطُفنَ بِها
مِثلِ الظِباءِ يَكِدنَ بِالسَدرِ

5. This one who captivates hearts but does not pretend -
Rather he tells plainly in verse:

٥. هَذا الَّذي يَسبي الفُؤادَ وَلا
يَكني وَلَكِن باحَ في الشِعرِ

6. "Men by their nature
Are inclined to faithlessness and treason."

٦. إِنَّ الرِجالَ عَلى تَأَلُّفِهِم
طُبِعوا عَلى الإِخلافِ وَالغَدرِ