
O Umm Nufail, release me from suffering,

يا أم نوفل فكي عانيا مثلت

1. O Umm Nufail, release me from suffering,
Perhaps relief is near or I shall perish swiftly,

١. يا أُمَّ نَوفَلَ فُكّي عانِياً مَثَلَت
بِهِ قَريبَةُ أَو هُوَ هالِكٌ عَجَلا

2. How often you called her who rose creaking,
Walking feebly, stumbling, bending over,

٢. كَمَ دَعوتِ الَّتي قامَت بِقَرقَرِها
تَمشى كَمَشيِ ضَعيفٍ خَرَّ فَاِنخَدَلا

3. She brought pure musk, nothing mixed with it
Except a little camphor she had sifted,

٣. فَمَجَّتِ المِسكَ بَحتاً لَيسَ يَخلِطُهُ
إِلّا سَحيقٌ مِنَ الكافورِ قَد نُخِلا

4. With ginger and apples, you’d think it was
Honey she had mixed with its fragrance,

٤. وَالزَنجَبيلُ مَعَ التُفّاحِ تَحسَبُهُ
مِن طيبِ ريقَتِها قَد خالَطَ العَسَلا

5. O sweetness of her mouth and saliva
When the pillar of dawn stands straight,

٥. يا طيبَ طَعمِ ثَناياها وَرِيقَتِها
إِذا اِستَقَلَّ عَمودُ الصُبحِ فَاِعتَدَلا

6. Her mortar of musk whosepestle doesn't grind,
In my eyes it gains value if left a while,

٦. مَجّاجَةُ المِسكِ لا تُقلى شَمائِلُها
تَزدادُ عِندي إِذا ما ماحِلٌ مَهَلا

7. If the perfume of grinding would lose strength when wrapped,
I would have been the perfume she had enfeebled,

٧. لَو كانَ يَخبِلُ طيبُ النَشرِ ذا كَلَفٍ
لَكُنتُ مِن طيبِ رَياها الَّذي خُبِلا

8. With the flirt of her eyes, her teeth and
Softness of the exalted noble steed when it neighs,

٨. لَها مِنَ الرِئمِ عَيناهُ وَسُنَّتُهُ
وَنَخوَةُ السابِقِ المُختالِ إِذ صَهَلا

9. You’ve delayed repayment of my debt, and you today have means,
Love pays a debt when the creditor has means,

٩. مَطَلتِ دَيني وَأَنتِ اليَومَ موسِرَةً
أَحبِبِّهامِن غَريمٍ موسِرٍ مَطلا

10. You’ve delayed it a year, time on time,
And more, while you enjoy wrongdoing and evils,

١٠. مَطَلتِهِ سَنَةً حَولاً مُجَرَّمَةً
وَبَعضَ أُخرى تَجَنّي الذَنبَ وَالعِلَلا