
Did you not ask the ruins and the one sitting

ألم تسأل الأطلال والمتربعا

1. Did you not ask the ruins and the one sitting
In the belly of rolling sands, wearing worn-out rags,

١. أَلَم تَسأَلِ الأَطلالَ وَالمُتَرَبَّعا
بِبَطنِ حُلَيّاتٍ دَوارِسَ بَلقَعا

2. Having changed its landmarks and become
Afflicted with tribulation and upheaval?

٢. إِلى الشَريِ مِن وادي المُغَمَّسِ بُدِّلَت
مَعالِمُهُ وَبلاً وَنَكباءَ زَعزَعا

3. Will it then be stingy or inform with knowledge after
It had lacerated a heart that was once agonized?

٣. فَيَبخَلنَ أَو يُخبِرنَ بِالعِلمِ بَعدَما
نَكَأنَ فُؤاداً كانَ قِدماً مُفَجَّعا

4. About a love for Hind and towns of Hind, when passion
Was all-encompassing and we did not fear it would crack.

٤. بِهِندٍ وَأَترابٍ لِهِندٍ إِذِ الهَوى
جَميعٌ وَإِذ لَم نَخشَ أَن يَتَصَدَّعا

5. When we were like water and its mixture
Was as the drink-pourer blends spiced drink.

٥. وَإِذ نَحنُ مِثلُ الماءِ كانَ مِزاجُهُ
كَما صَفَّقَ الساقي الرَحيقَ المُشَعشَعا

6. And when we did not obey the blamers, nor did we see
A slanderer among us seeking to find fault.

٦. وَإِذ لا نُطيعُ العاذِلينَ وَلا نَرى
لِواشٍ لَدَينا يَطلُبُ الصَرمَ مَطمَعا

7. You varied until the heart regained its sickness,
And until I remembered the farewell conversation.

٧. تُنوعِتنَ حَتّى عاوَدَ القَلبَ سُقمُهُ
وَحَتّى تَذَكَّرتُ الحَديثَ المُوَدَّعا

8. So I said to the rain-bearers: Woe to you! You have only
Harmed, so can you bring benefit? Then do so!

٨. فَقُلتُ لِمُطريهِنَّ وَيحَكَ إِنَّما
ضَرَرتَ فَهَل تَسطيعُ نَفعاً فَتَنفَعا

9. And you made drink one whose heart was with the likes
Of wild cows once composed.

٩. وَأَشرَيتَ فَاِستَشرى وَإِن كانَ قَد صَحا
فُؤادٌ بِأَمثالِ المَها كانَ موزَعا

10. And you stirred up a heart that had bid youth farewell
And its pleasures, so intercede – maybe you will intercede!

١٠. وَهَيَّجتَ قَلباً كانَ قَد وَدَّعَ الصِبا
وَأَشياعَهُ فَاِشفَع عَسى أَن تُشَفَّعا

11. If what you told was true, still, I do not see
That you roamed among people like a lost camel.

١١. لَئِن كانَ ما حَدَّثتَ حَقّاً فَما أَرى
كَمِثلِ الأُلى أَطرَيتَ في الناسِ أَربَعا

12. He said: Come look! And I said: How can I,
When I fear a stance that may become scandalized?

١٢. فَقالَ تَعالَ اِنظُر فَقُلتُ وَكَيفَ بي
أَخافُ مَقاماً أَن يَشيعَ فَيَشنُعا

13. So he said: Veil yourself, then wrap your face and go to the loved ones,
Greet, and do not refrain excessively out of coyness.

١٣. فَقالَ اِكتَفِل ثُمَّ اِلتَثِم وَأتِ باغِياً
فَسَلِّم وَلا تُكثِر بِأَن تَتَوَرَّعا

14. For I will hide your eyes from them, so you will not be seen,
Fearing the story will spread and be heard.

١٤. فَإِنّي سَأُخفي العَينَ عَنكَ فَلا تُرى
مَخافَةَ أَن يَفشو الحَديثُ فَيُسمَعا

15. So I went, yearning, just as my companion said,
To his tryst creeping while feeling uneasy.

١٥. فَأَقبَلتُ أَهوى مِثلَما قالَ صاحِبي
لِمَوعِدِهِ أَزجي قَعوداً مُوَقَّعا

16. When we stopped and I greeted, faces shone
With beauty that disdains to veil itself.

١٦. فَلَمّا تَواقَفنا وَسَلَّمتُ أَشرَقَت
وُجوهٌ زَهاها الحُسنُ أَن تَتَقَنَّعا

17. They recognized me when they saw me
And said: “A lover who fulfilled and settled.”

١٧. تَبالَهنَ بِالعِرفانِ لَمّا رَأَينَني
وَقُلنَ اِمرُؤٌ باغٍ أَكَلَّ وَأَوضَعا

18. And they brought the means of love closer to one infatuated
Who measures a span whenever a finger is folded.

١٨. وَقَرَّبنَ أَسبابَ الهَوى لِمُتَيَّمٍ
يَقيسُ ذِراعاً كُلَّما قِسنَ إِصبَعا

19. When we had exchanged talk, they said to me:
“You hid from us lest we be deceived and tricked.

١٩. فَلَمّا تَنازَعنا الأَحاديثَ قُلنَ لي
أَخِفتَ عَلَينا أَن نُغَرَّ وَنُخدَعا

20. Just yesterday we sent Khalid to you
And explained the matter to him in full.

٢٠. فَبِالأَمسِ أَرسَلنا بِذَلِكَ خالِداً
إِلَيكَ وَبَيَّنّا لَهُ الشَأنَ أَجمَعا

21. You did not come to us except at the appointed time,
When we came out together to it in a group.

٢١. فَما جِئتَنا إِلّا عَلى وَفقِ مَوعِدٍ
عَلى مَلَإٍ مِنّا خَرَجنا لَهُ مَعا

22. We saw a lonely place, empty of spies and a sitting place
Of lasting shade and easy access.”

٢٢. رَأَينا خَلاءً مِن عُيونٍ وَمَجلِساً
دَميثَ الرُبى سَهلَ المَحَلَّةِ مُمرِعا

23. And we said: “A noble one attained and met nobles,
So it is his right today to enjoy himself.”

٢٣. وَقُلنا كَريمٌ نالَ وَصلَ كَرائِمٍ
فَحَقَّ لَهُ في اليَومِ أَن يَتَمَتَّعا