
My heart was troubled, so I said: O heart, wait!

جن قلبي فقلت يا قلب مهلا

1. My heart was troubled, so I said: O heart, wait!
Do not replace wisdom and resolve with ignorance.

١. جُنَّ قَلبي فَقُلتُ يا قَلبِ مَهلا
لا تُبَدِّل بِالحِلمِ وَالعَزمِ جَهلا

2. She swore that certainty came to her.
I said: do not swear, I ransom you, no!

٢. حَلَفَت أَنَّ ما أَتاها يَقينٌ
قُلتُ لا تَحلِفي فَدَيتُكِ كَلّا

3. I ask Allah, whoever harmed you with injury,
to see humiliation in life.

٣. أَسأَلُ اللَهَ مَن بَداكِ بِصَرمٍ
أَن يَرى في الحَياةِ ما عاشَ ذُلّا

4. So fear Allah, and accept my excuse,
and overlook some of what was a misstep.

٤. فَاِتَّقي اللَهَ وَاِقبَلي العُذرَ مِنّي
وَتَجافَي عَن بَعضِ ما كانَ زَلّا

5. I do not welcome that you were angry, but
welcome if you are pleased with me. Hello!

٥. لَم أُرَحِّب بِأَن سَخِطتِ وَلَكِن
مَرحَباً إِن رَضيتِ عَنّا وَأَهلا

6. A face I saw on the night of the full moon,
on it beauty and adornment were built.

٦. إِنَّ وَجهاً أَبصَرتُهُ لَيلَةَ البَد
رِ عَلَيهِ اِبتَنى الجَمالُ وَحَلّا

7. Your face is the face - if with it you asked increase
of beauty and charm, it would begin.

٧. وَجهُكِ الوَجهُ لَو بِهِ تَسأَلُ المُز
نَ مِنَ الحُسنِ وَالجَمالِ اِستَهَلّا

8. And the most wondrous of faces, a rival
in which the beauty of charm settled and abode.

٨. وَأَسيلٍ مِنَ الوُجوهِ نَضيرٌ
دَقَّ فيهِ حُسنُ الجَمالِ وَجَلّا

9. I am content with greetings from you,
and I see that from your gift as plenty.

٩. إِنَّني بِالسَلامِ مِنكِ لَراضٍ
وَأَرى ذاكَ مِن نَوَلِكِ جَزلا

10. I do not betray the friend as long as I live
until the sea is ladled with sieves.

١٠. لا أَخونُ الخَليلَ ما عُشتُ حَتّى
يُنقَلَ البَحرُ بِالغَرابيلِ نَقلا

11. Then she said: Do not inform anyone of my secret,
cousin I swore. I said: Yes, I will not.

١١. ثُمَّ قالَت لا تُعلِمَنَّ بِسِرّي
يا اِبنَ عَمّي أَقسَمتُ قُلتُ أَجَل لا

12. If I have suspected you, then the fault is mine,
and disgrace is his who asked and few.

١٢. إِن أَكُن قَد سَأَيتُكُم فَلَكِ العُت
بى وَهانَ الَّذي سَأَلتُ وَقَلّا

13. Whoever desires immorality in love between us
may Allah paralyze his arms.

١٣. مَن أَرادَ الفُجورَ في الوُدِّ مِنّا
ضَرَبَ اللَهُ في ذِراعَيهِ غُلّا

14. Tell me, your life and family ransom me,
do you love me like your love for reproach?

١٤. حَدِّثِني فَدَتكِ نَفسي وَأَهلي
أَتُحِبّينَني كَحُبِّكِ عَذلا

15. In endurance is relief from hardship,
and goodness in the answer better than no.

١٥. إِنَّ في الصَرمِ راحَةً مِن عَناءٍ
وَنَعَم في الجَوابِ أَحسَنُ مِن لا