1. The darkness donned to you concealing
A guard for the need of thousands rallying
١. لَبِسَ الظَلامَ إِلَيكِ مُكتَتِماً
خَفِراً لِحاجَةِ آلِفٍ صَبِّ
2. At the edges of the peaks there shone for us
Beware we do the eyes of the convoy prying
٢. لَمَعَت بِأَطرافِ البَنانِ لَنا
إِنّا نُحاذِرُ أَعيُنَ الرَكبِ
3. Return and turn the gaze of our scout
Until the lover spying is renewed
٣. اِرجَع وَرَدِّد طَرفَ تابِعِنا
حَتّى يُجَدَّدَ دارِسُ الحُبِّ
4. When figures I knew were approaching
With musk, sheepskins and headbands vying
٤. فَإِذا شُخوصٌ كُنتُ أَعرِفُها
في المِسكِ وَالأَكباشِ وَالعَصبِ
5. Distress walked in its glory
Its torment from toil appearing
٥. تَمشي الضَراءَ عَلى بَهينَتِها
تَبدو غَضاضَتُها مِنَ الإِتبِ
6. Umamah said when she visited
The words of the complainer no blame implying
٦. قالَت أُمَامَةُ يَومَ زَورَتِها
قَولَ المُؤارِبِ غَيرِ ذي عَتبِ
7. He whom distance has secluded
Not by plan or heart complying
٧. هَذا الَّذي لَجَّ البُعادُ بِهِ
ما كانَ عَن رَأيٍ وَلا لُبِّ
8. The friend sold with love of an absent one
In Damascus a retreat denying
٨. باعَ الصَديقُ بِوُدِّ غائِبَةٍ
بِالشامِ في مُتَمَنِّعٍ صَعبِ
9. Destroy me not in your torments
For God knows the heart in hiding
٩. لا تُهلِكيني في عَذابِكُمُ
فَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ غائِبَ القَلبِ