1. Go and say to her who blamed me, though she knew
That she gained nothing by blaming me, to cease
١. إِذهَب وَقُل لِلَّتي لامَت وَقَد عَلِمَت
أَن لَم تَنَل في ثَوابي طائِلاً تَدَعِ
2. Some of the blame, so she might make good again
A matter not to be retrieved. Do not
٢. بَعضَ المَلامَةِ في أَن لا أُصاحِبَها
كَيما تُدارِكَ أَمراً غَيرَ مُرتَجَعِ
3. Hold me to fault for what is your own deed
And give me sincerity and friendship. Hear
٣. لا تَرحَليني بِذَنبٍ أَنتِ صاحِبُهُ
وَصادِقيني صَفاءَ الوُدِّ وَاِستَمِعي
4. No evil of us said by slanderers. Whoso
Believes the babble of a hateful gossip errs.
٤. لا تَسمَعِنَّ بِنا قَولَ الوُشاةِ وَمَن
يُطِع مَقالَةَ واشٍ كاشِحٍ يَضَعِ
5. Guile is not in my nature or my ways
Though the slightest hint of it would give offense.
٥. لَيسَ الخَديعَةُ مِن سِرّي وَلا خُلُقي
وَإِن يُشارَ بِأَدنى الأَمرِ يَمتَنِعِ