
No doe in the wilderness nurtures her fawn

وما ظبية من ظباء الأراك

1. No doe in the wilderness nurtures her fawn
With finer milk than she shows at daybreak

١. وَما ظَبيَةٌ مِن ظِباءِ الأَرا
كِ تَقرو دِمَثَ الرُبى عاشِبا

2. When her cheek and eyebrow appear.
One day she said to her servant,

٢. بِأَحسَنَ مِنها غَداةَ الغَميمِ
إِذا أَبدَتِ الخَدَّ وَالحاجِبا

3. "Stop the rider!"
So her companion said, "Why so gloomy

٣. غَداةَ تَقولُ عَلى رِقبَةٍ
لِخادِمِها إِحبِسي الراكِبا

4. And frown-faced?"
She replied, "A nobleman came visiting

٤. فَقالَت لَها فيمَ هَذا الكَلا
مُ في وَجهِها عابِساً قاطِبا

5. And passed us by."
A stranger came to our abode as guest

٥. فَقالَت كَريمٌ أَتى زائِراً
يَمُرُّ بِنا هَكَذا جانِبا

6. And I regret his leaving unsuccessful.
For love of you I've loved one who was not

٦. غَريبٌ أَتى رَبعَنا زائِراً
فَأَكرَهُ رَجعَتَهُ خائِبا

7. My soulmate or boon companion.
And I spend my money to please you all,

٧. لِحُبِّكِ أَحبَبتُ مَن لَم يَكُن
صَفيّاً لِنَفسي وَلا صاحِبا

8. Reproaching whoever finds fault with me.
I seek the love of those I never sought

٨. وَأَبذِلُ مالي لِمَرضاتِكُم
وَأُعتِبُ مَن جاءَني عاتِبا

9. Before your love to covet and desire.
If people should take one side of the earth

٩. وَأَرغَبُ في وُدِّ مَن لَم أَكُن
إِلى وُدِّهِ قَبلِكُم راغِبا

10. And settle, and the other side stay vacant,
I would follow their ruins, for I see

١٠. وَلَو سَلَكَ الناسُ في جانِبٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ وَاِعتَزَلَت جانِبا

11. Being near them is a marvelous marvel.

١١. لَأَتبَعتُ طِيَّتَها إِنَّني
أَرى قُربَها العَجَبَ العاجِبا