
Recalling past sorrows restrained my heart,

ردع الفؤاد تذكر الأطراب

1. Recalling past sorrows restrained my heart,
And passion for you flowed when we met.

١. رَدَعَ الفُؤادَ تَذَكُّرُ الأَطرابِ
وَصَبا إِلَيكِ وَلاتَ حينَ تَصابي

2. If you would grant me the cure I seek
It would relieve the sickness of my heart which you prolonged.

٢. إِن تَبذُلي لي نائِلاً يُشفى بِهِ
سَقَمُ الفُؤادِ فَقَد أَطَلتِ عَذابي

3. Because of you I disobeyed my kin, severing
The ties between us.

٣. وَعَصَيتُ فيكِ أَقارِبي فَتَقَطَّعَت
بَيني وَبَينَهُمُ عُرى الأَسبابِ

4. You left me with no joy in union
And did not requite me.

٤. وَتَرَكتِني لا بِالوِصالِ مُمَتَّعاً
مِنهُم وَلا أَسعَفتِني بِثَوابِ

5. So I sat like a discarded water skin,
Its water wasted in the mirage of the plain pursued by one

٥. فَقَعَدتُ كَالمُهريقِ فَضلَةَ مائِهِ
في حَرِّ هاجِرَةٍ لِلَمعِ سَرابِ

6. Seeking to heal his echoing voice, though the pursuit of mirages slew him, O beloved, when he sought water.
Suaida exclaimed while copious tears

٦. يُشفي بِهِ مِنهُ الصَدى فَأَماتَهُ
طَلَبُ السَرابِ وَلاتَ حينَ طِلابِ

7. Streamed down her cheeks and robe:
“Would that the Mughayri I did not allow

٧. قالَت سُعَيدَةُ وَالدُموعُ ذَوارِفٌ
مِنها عَلى الخَدَّينِ وَالجِلبابِ

8. All he sought in courting me had restored our past days
When we were blamed for neither love nor passion!”

٨. لَيتَ المُغيرِيَّ الَّذي لَم أَجزِهِ
فيما أَطالَ تَصَيُّدي وَطِلابي

9. When told what she had said, I spent the night as though
My heart were pierced by arrow points.

٩. كانَت تَرُدُّ لَنا المُنى أَيّامَنا
إِذ لا نُلامُ عَلى هَوىً وَتَصابي

10. Is Suaida the water and pure air of the Euphrates
When I and she alike suffer thirst and lack of drink?

١٠. خُبِّرتُ ما قالَت فَبِتُّ كَأَنَّما
رُمِيَ الجَشا بِنَوافِذِ النُشّابِ

11. There is none sweeter than you, though you are far away and women rarely
Guard the trust of an absent lover.

١١. أَسُعَيدَ ما ماءُ الفُراتِ وَطيبُهُ
مِنّا عَلى ظَمَإٍ وَفَقدِ شَرابِ

١٢. بِأَلَذَّ مِنكِ وَإِن نَأَيتُ وَقَلَّما
تَرعى النِساءُ أَمانَةَ الغُيّابِ