
Today my sorrows have returned to me,

إنني اليوم عادني أحزاني

1. Today my sorrows have returned to me,
And I recalled my youth in days gone by,

١. إِنَّني اليَومَ عادَني أَحزاني
وَتَذَكَّرتُ مَيعَتي في زَماني

2. And I recalled a gazelle, mother of a fawn,
Yearning for her stirred my heart painfully.

٢. وَتَذَكَّرتُ ظَبيَةً أُمَّ رِئمٍ
هاجَ لي الشَوقَ ذِكرُها فَشَجاني

3. Do not blame me, my old friend,
For in me, my friend, is what has sufficed me.

٣. لا تَلُمني عَتيقُ حَسبي الَّذي بي
إِنَّ بي يا عَتيقُ ما قَد كَفاني

4. For time brings me happiness for a while,
Then assails me with sorrow for a time.

٤. إِنَّ دَهراً يُلُفُّ شَملي بِسُعدى
لَزَمانٌ يَهِمُّ بِالإِحسانِ

5. Do not blame me, though you adorned her for me,
You are like Satan to man.

٥. لا تَلُمني وَأَنتَ زَيَّنتَها لي
أَنتَ مِثلُ الشَيطانِ لِلإِنسانِ

6. For love has crept into my innermost being,
Exposing my bones, flaying my skin.

٦. إِنَّ بي داخِلاً مِنَ الحُبِّ قَد أَب
لى عِظامي مَكنونُهُ وَبَراني

7. If only you had seen with your eyes, my friend,
That night on the hillside, what sights met our eyes!

٧. لَو بِعَينَيكَ يا عَتيقُ نَظَرنا
لَيلَةَ السَفحِ قُرَّتِ العَينانِ

8. As the cape and veil appeared with pearls,
With buttons of coral inlaid.

٨. إِذ بَدا الكَشحُ وَالوِشاحُ مِنَ الدُر
رِ وَفَصلٌ فيهِ مِنَ المَرجانِ

9. And before me she snubbed the other women,
After she had been enamored of singing girls.

٩. وَقَلى قَبلي النِساءَ سَواهَ
بَعدَما كانَ مُغرَماً بِالغَواني

10. And I wish time would unite us again,
With you giving us drink as in days gone by.

١٠. وَأُرَجّي أَن يَجمَعَ الدَهرُ شَملاً
بِكِ سَقياً لِذَلِكُم مِن زَمانِ

11. Would that I could buy from her for myself
A love like mine with my arm and my money!

١١. لَيتَني أَشتَري لِنَفسِيَ مِنها
مِثلَ وُدّي بِساعِدي وَبَناني

12. My right eye twitched with good fortune -
That eye is trustworthy in its twitches.

١٢. خَلَجَت عَينِيَ اليَمينُ بِخَيرٍ
تِلكَ عَينٌ مَأمونَةِ الخَلَجانِ