
O you who blame him for his love,

يا أيها العاذل في حبها

1. O you who blame him for his love,
You are not obeyed, O you who blame!

١. يا أَيُّها العاذِلُ في حُبِّها
لَستَ مُطاعاً أَيُّها العاذِلُ

2. You are right that he suffers from her love,
Yet her love to me is an internal disease.

٢. أَنتَ صَحيحٌ مِن جَوى حُبِّها
وَحُبُّها لي سَقَمٌ داخِلُ

3. That which I encountered from her love,
Was not encountered by any protector or shepherd.

٣. إِنَّ الَّذي لاقيتُ مِن حُبِّها
لَم يَلقَهُ حافٍ وَلا ناعِلُ

4. Death is better than such a life,
Where I am neither connected nor heedless,

٤. المَوتُ خَيرٌ مِن حَياةٍ كَذا
لا أَنا مَوصولٌ وَلا ذاهِلُ

5. When someone came to me saying what,
I hate more than what the questioner is told,

٥. لَمّا أَتاني قائِلٌ بِالَّذي
أَكرَهُ مِمّا يُخبَرُ السائِلُ

6. I said while my eyes poured down tears,
Like pearls streaming down from their coils.

٦. قُلتُ وَعَيني مُسبَلٌ دَمعُها
كَالدُرِّ مِن أَرجائِها هامِلُ

7. Oh how I wish I had died and passion had died,
And died before the meeting and uniter died.

٧. يا ليتَني مِتُّ وَماتَ الهَوى
وَماتَ قَبلَ المُلتَقى واصِلُ

8. O house whose remains time has erased
And made desolate barren with no inhabitants.

٨. يا دارُ أَمسَت دارِساً رَسمُها
وَحشاً قِفاراً ما بِها آهِلُ

9. The wind has dragged its tail over it
And the downpours roamed its ruins.

٩. قَد جَرَّتِ الريحُ بِها ذَيلَها
وَاِستَنَّ في أَطلالِها الوابِلُ