1. Revive a quarter stronger in form
And ruins that became for India a dwelling
١. حَيِّ رَبعاً أَقوى وَرَسماً مُحيلا
وَعِراصاً أَمسَت لِهِندٍ مُثولا
2. Time has pardoned it
And the winds have swept it with their trails
٢. فَعَفا الدَهرُ وَالزَمانُ عَلَيها
وَأَجالَت بِها الرِياحُ ذُيولا
3. I do not forget an evening we departed
Her saying "Stay with me a little" pained me
٣. لَستُ أَنسى مِنها عَشيَّةَ رُحنا
قَولَها عُج عَلَيَّ مِنكَ قَليلا
4. Fulfill my pleasure and trust I
Do not see such aloofness from you beautiful
٤. أَقضِ مِن لَذَّتي وَأَعهَدُ إِنّي
لا أَرى ذا الصُدودَ مِنكَ جَميلا
5. Answer me while you are most able
For you is sincere love given
٥. وَأَجِبني وَأَنتَ أَوجَدُ شَيءٍ
وَلَكَ الوُدُّ خالِصاً مَبذولا
6. For you is lasting love what remains of us
Whether later you were to me united or separated
٦. وَلَكَ الوُدُّ دائِماً ما بَقينا
قاطِعاً بَعدُ كُنتَ لي أَو وَصولا
7. I did not intend when I disobeyed but
I said what I said so know my amending
٧. ما تَحَرَّيتُ إِذ عَصَيتُ وَلَكِن
قُلتُ ما قُلتُ فَاِعلَمَن تَعديلا
8. So accept today what came to you in gratitude
Do not be to the intimate disaffected
٨. فَاِقبَلِ اليَومَ ما أَتاكَ بِشُكرٍ
لا تَكُنَنَّ لِلخَليلِ مَلولا