
My heart foretold of her

قد نبا بالقلب منها

1. My heart foretold of her
When we met at the sand dune

١. قَد نَبا بِالقَلبِ مِنها
إِذ تَواعَدنا الكَثيبا

2. Her words are the best thing
With you, it has wrapped a lover

٢. قَولُها أَحسَنُ شَيءٍ
بِكِ قَد لَفَّ حَبيبا

3. Her words to me as she sheds
Tears from her eyes at sunset

٣. قَولُها لي وَهيَ تُذري
دَمعَ عَينَيها غُروبا

4. We were indeed for this
The most sincere people in chests

٤. إِنَّنا كُنّا لِهَذا
أَنصَحَ الناسِ جُيوبا

5. And we loved him with affection
That was never tainted

٥. وَحَبَوناهُ بِوُدٍّ
لَم يَكُن مِنّا مَشوبا

6. So we were rewarded when we praised
His love for me to disappear

٦. فَجَزانا إِذ حَمَدنا
وُدَّهُ لي أَن يَغيبا

7. And he clothed us today with shame
When we spent the night with flaws

٧. وَكَسانا اليَومَ عاراً
حينَ بِتنا وَعُيوبا

8. O you who are ill and worry
Stay when you walk near

٨. نَأيُها سُقمٌ وَأَشتا
قُ إِذا تَمشى قَريبا

9. I wish this night were a month
Where we see no stranger in it

٩. لَيتَ هَذا اللَيلُ شَهرٌ
لا نَرى فيهِ غَريبا

10. The full-mooned has hidden from us
Who we wanted to disappear

١٠. مُقمِرٌ غَيَّبَ عَنّا
مَن أَرَدنا أَن يَغيبا

11. It's just me and her
She sat in a session of truth

١١. لَيسَ إِلّايَ وَإِيّا
ها وَلا نَخشى رَقيبا

12. Bringing together beauty and goodness
Drenching the seat and the place of rest

١٢. جَلَسَت مَجلِسَ صِدقٍ
جَمَعَت حُسناً وَطيبا

13. Our threshing floor grew fertile
She poured into it freshness

١٣. دَمِثَ المَقعَدِ وَالمَو
طِئِ ثَريانا خَصيبا

14. From a bucket of water pouring
Satisfying it grew crops

١٤. أَفرَغَت فيهِ الثُرَيَّ
مِن ذَرى الدَلوِ سَكوبا

15. And with the crops, fertility

١٥. مُقنِعاً أَنبَتَ زَرعاً
وَمَعَ الزَرعِ خُصوبا