
Yes, if you have mercy on me, I will succeed

نعم إن أنت ترحمني نجحت

1. Yes, if you have mercy on me, I will succeed
And attain favors, and if I do wrong,

١. نعم إن أنت ترحمني نجحت
ونلت المكرمات وان أسأت

2. Then find for me, O Forbearing One, for my sins
Have multiplied, so have mercy on me, say "I have granted".

٢. فجد لي يا حليم فان ذنبي
تكاثر وارحمني قل منحت

3. For You are the Helper, and You are my reserve,
So grant me the good of Your provision, say "I have gifted".

٣. فأنت المستعان وأنت ذخري
فهبني حسن رفدك قل وهبت

4. And say to me, You and the companions all together,
By pure favor from You I have been content.

٤. وقل لي أنت والأصحاب جمعا
بمحض الفضل عنكم قد رضيت

5. I am content with You and You have gifted me, so I have won,
And delighted my eye that indeed, I have had mercy.

٥. رضيتكموا وهبتكموا ففوزوا
وقروا عينا اني قد رحمت

6. My God, my Master, I am a captive
By my mistakes, through them I have been weakened.

٦. إلهي سيدي إني أسير
بزلاتي ومنها قد ضعفت

7. And I have seen You with my sins
Bestow favors on me until I have been made hopeful.

٧. وإني قد رأيتك مع ذنوبي
تمن على حتى قد طمعت

8. So by beneficence, forgive O my God,
And help me to guidance, say "I have done".

٨. فبالاحسان فاغفر يا إلهي
وجد بهداية قل لي فعلت

9. And help me with mercies and grants,
And joining with You, say "I have connected".

٩. وجد لي بالمراحم والعطايا
وحفظ مع وصالك قل وصلت

10. And make me beloved to You, and promise an outpouring
That overflows upon the one who sought You.

١٠. وحببني إليك وعد بفيض
يفيض على الذي منكم طلبت

11. And Your love, so grant me, and pardon me,
And teach me, and forgive, say "I have forgiven".

١١. وحبك فارزقني واعف عني
وعلمني وسامح قل غفرت

12. And say to me "You have become, O My servant, pure
By My grace, for I have expanded your chest".

١٢. وقل لي صرت يا عبدي نقيا
بفضلي أن صدرك قد شرحت

13. Good tidings to you of perfecting virtues,
And sealing of good, for I have gifted.

١٣. لك البشرى بإكمال المزايا
وختم الخير إذ أني وهبت