
Yes, I am the one who spent ten years in affliction


1. Yes, I am the one who spent ten years in affliction
Yet did not shed a tear or utter a complaint

١. أَجَلْ. أنا لَيْلايَ من عاشَرَ البَلوى
سِنيناً. ولم يُبْدِ الدُّموعَ ولا الشَّكْوى!

2. Yes, I am the one with the steadfast conscience
With patience that this abode cannot constrain

٢. أَجَلْ أنا هذا المُسْتَوي بِضَمِيِرِهِ...
بِذَرْوةِ صَبْرٍ لا يَضِيقُ بها المَثْوى!

3. Yes, I am the one, so remember the one who saw you
And could not restrain himself or piety

٣. أَجَلْ أنا هذا فاذْكري ذلكَ الذي
رآك فلم يَمِلِكْ هُداهُ ولا التَّقْوى!

4. You were the pulse of his life and its comfort
And its basil, his glory, poetry and whispering confidences

٤. وكْنْتِ له نَبْضَ الحياة ورَاحَها
ورَيْحانِها . والمَجْدُ والشِّعْرُ والنَّجْوى!

5. There were visits, pledges you made
In which you vouched that you were his happiness and acceptance

٥. وكانت زِياراتُ. وكانتْ مَواثِقٌ
تَعَهَّدْتِ فيها أَنَّكِ السَّعْدُ والرَّضوى!

6. And for my sake you forfeited all bonds
Preferring over them all only that shelter

٦. وضَحَّيْتِ من أَجْلى بِشَتَّى أًَواصرٍ
وآثَرْتِ عَنْها كلَّها ذلكَ المأْوى!

7. For a while we reveled in the days of life
Living like birds savoring the air

٧. نعِمْنا به حِيناً من الدَّهْر حالياً
نَعِيشُ به كالطَّيْرِ يَسْتَعْذِبُ الجَوَّا!

8. Melancholy toys with us, then folds its wings over us
And we refuse to let it disturb our joy

٨. يداعِبُنا شَجْوٌ فَيَطوٍي جَوانِحاً
عليه. ونَأْبى أَنْ تُخامِرَه السَّلوى!

9. And however sweet his passion and freshness may be
In it we delighted, bountifully intoxicated

٩. وما كانَ أَحْلاهُ هَوًى وطَراوَةً
فَكُنَّا به النَّشْوانَ يَثْمَلُ والنَّشوى!

10. It wore both our souls so we were like twins
Seen by people as one .. How noble is sadness!

١٠. تقَمَّصَ رُوحَيْنا فكُنَّا كَتوْأَمٍ
يَراه الورى فَرْداً .. فما أكْرَمَ الشّجوا!

11. So how did the shining star fall to the ground?
And how did the giant become, my sweetness, withered?

١١. فكيف هَوى النَّجْمُ الوَضيءُ إلى الثَّرى؟!
وكيف غَدا العِملاقُ يا حُلْوتي شِلْوا؟!

12. You had the power for this impossible thing, and terrified me
With the horror of a separation more painful than affliction

١٢. قدِرْتِ على هذا المُحال فَرُعْتِني
بِهَوْلِ فِراقٍ كان أَنْكى من البّلْوى!

13. I grieved it like one crushed .. or killed by debris
I could not master composure or strength

١٣. فجِعْتُ به كالرُّزْءِ يَحْطِمُ.. كالرَّدى
يُمِيتُ. فلم أَمْلِكْ سُلُوّاً. ولم أَقْوى!

14. By God, yesterday there was a pampered love
That cajoled me, tempting me to eat something sweet

١٤. فللَّه أَمْسٌ كانَ حُبّاً مُدَلَّلاً
يُناغِي . فَيُغْرِيني بأنْ آكُلَ الحَلْوى!

15. By God, there is a terrible day, dreadful to behold
The affectionate lion has become in it, alas, hostile

١٥. ولله يَوْمٌ دامسٌ مُفْزعٌ الحَشا
رُؤاهُ .. غدا اللَّيْثٌ الهَصُورُ به نِضْوا!

16. It had a loving companion but betrayed him
And tortured him - no companion was more inauspicious

١٦. وكانَ له الصِّنْوَ الحَبِيبَ فخانَهُ
وعَذَّبَهُ.. ما كانَ أَشْأَمَهُ صِنْوا!

17. And made him drink bitter, burning water
When it once gave him the purest drink

١٧. وأوْرَدَهُ المِلْحً الأُجاج تَجَنِّياً
وقد كانَ يَسْقِيه النَّمِيرَ الذي أَرْوى!

18. I wish love had not been an ember
In my heart, for it has destroyed my patience and twisted me

١٨. تمَنَّيْتُ أَنَّ الحُبَّ لم يَكُ جَذْوةً
بِصَدْري. فقد أَوْدى بِصَبْري . وقد أَلْوى !

19. I wish I had not seen the date palm tempt
With its fruit, for I never plucked from it a cluster

١٩. وأنِّي رأّيتُ النَّخْلَ تُغْرِي ثِمارُهُ
بِقَطْفٍ . فَلَمْ أَقْطِفْ به أبَداً قِنوا!

20. It nearly made me hate even its sanctuary
And I blamed myself for what I tasted, like all who passionately love

٢٠. لقد كادَني حتى كَرِهتُ رِحابَهُ
ولُمْتُ بِما قد ذُقْتُهُ كُلَّ مَن يَهْوى !

21. So whoever prides himself on love, tell him
Go slowly - what makes you leave self glory?

٢١. فَمَن كان مَزْهُوّاً بِحُبِّ فَقُلْ له
تَمَهَّلْ. فما أحْراكَ أَنْ تَتَركَ الزَّهْوا!

22. For soon you will find in it one day misery
And truly know it, and know its nonsense

٢٢. فقد سَوْفَ تَلْقى في غِدٍ منه شِقْوَةً
فَتَعْرِفَهُ جِدّاً . وتَعْرِفَهُ لَغْوا!

23. I used to walk slowly in its pleasures
Until my walking became hurried flight

٢٣. لقد كنت أمشي في مغانيه ناعماً
إلى أن غَدا مَشْيي البَطِيءُ بع عَدْوا!

24. I escaped its woes with my skin
No longer seeing after it any purity

٢٤. نَجَوْتُ بِجِلْدي مِن مآسِيهِ زاهداً
بِنُعْمى غَدورٍ لا أرى بَعْدها الصَّفْوا!

25. And I found no goodness in it but a period
That passed - how weak its principles and how deviant!

٢٥. ولم أَجِدِ الحُسْنى به غَيْرَ فَتْرةٍ
تَولَّتْ. فما أوْهى جَداهُ. وما أغْوى!

26. So do not seek its principles, I have tested it
For long without finding peace or usefulness from it

٢٦. فلا تَلْتَمِسْ جَدْواهُ إنَّي اخْتَبَرتُهُ
طَويلاً. فلم أَلْقَ السَّلامَ ولا الجَدوى!

27. But in the pen there is pleasure and in books
There is joy without misery for those who seek pleasure

٢٧. ففي القَلَمِ الشَّادي . وفي الكُتْبِ مُتْعَةٌ
تمُنَّ ولا تُشْقِي لمن يَطْلُبُ اللَّذْوى!

28. I was satisfied with it instead of the world of beauty and passion
And it inspired my success and granted my claim

٢٨. رَضِيتُ بها عن عالَمِ الحُسْنِ والهوى
فألْهَمْنَني فَوْزي . واكْسَبْنَنِي الدَّعْوى!

29. It spared me love of Hind and Zainab
And love of the tall Layla or little Fadwa

٢٩. وأغْنَيْنَني عن حُبِّ هِنْدٍ وزَيْنَبٍ
وعن حُبِّ لَيْلى المُسْتَطيلَةِ أوْ فَدْوى!

30. I have not courted so I win the loyalty
Of the arrogant - the noble disdain simpering

٣٠. فما عُدْوتُ أَحْبُو كَي أَفُوزَ بِصَبْوَتي
لدى الغِيدِ. إنَّ الحُرَّ يَسْتَنْكِفُ الحَبْوا!

31. So by your tune and chant
You taught me the melody and power of song

٣١. أسالِكَةً قَصْدَ السَّبِيل بِناشِدٍ
هُداهُ.. لقد عَلَّمْتِني اللَّحْنَ والشَّدْوا!

32. And you taught me to leave estrangement whenever
I am called to speak and leave nonsense

٣٢. وعَلَّمْتني أَنْ أَتْرُكَ الهَجْرَ كُلَّما..
دُعِيتُ إلى قَوْلٍ. وأَنْ أتْركَ اللَّغوا!

33. Glory has its worldly life and triumphs, and death
Has less of the worldly existence but more of the final rewards

٣٣. فَلِلْمَجْدِ دُنْياه وقُصْواهُ. والمُنَى
أَقَلَّ بِدُنْياهُ.. وأَكْثَرُ بالقُصْوى!

34. And yearning is not infertile to the persevering
Rather, to the active it is most fertile

٣٤. وما أَجْدَبَ الفَتْوى على كُلِّ قاِعِدٍ
وأمَّا على السَّارِي. فما أَخْصَبَ الفَتْوى!

35. Blessed is the One who leveled, blessed is the One who nurtured
And enriched those who did not possess any assets

٣٥. تبارَكَ من سَوَّى. تَبارَكَ من رَعى
فَأَغْنى الذي ما كانَ يَمْتِلِكُ الشَّرْوى!

36. My sea was raging so I sailed it
With resolve - and after it the sea became gentle

٣٦. لقد كانَ بَحْري هائِجاً فَركِبْتُهُ
بِعَزْمٍ. فأمْسى البَحرُ مِن بَعْدِهِ رَهْوا!

37. So I no longer tyrannize if I have the power
And self urges me to oppression - how inauspicious is tyranny!

٣٧. فما عُدْتُ أَطغى إنْ قَدِرْتُ وسَّولتْ
لِيَ النَّفْسُ طُغْياناً. فما أشَأَمَ الطَّغْوى!

38. For unjust power may destroy a weak man
If he takes liberties with power

٣٨. فقد يُوُبِقُ السَّطْوُ الظَّلومُ على امْرِىء
ضَعِيفٍ فَيُرْدِيهِ إن اسْتَمْرأَ السَّطْوا!

39. I am innocent - I do not oppress a frightened man
Nor am I one with a fearful heart of contagion

٣٩. بَرِئْتُ فما أُعْدِي امْرَءاً مُتَخوَّفاً
ولا أنا ذو قَلْبٍ خَؤُوفٍ من العَدْوى!

40. And whatever grace there was, is for God alone
He is glorified and most high - and seek forgiveness!

٤٠. فَما كانَ من فَضْلٍ فَلِلَّه وحْدَه
تَمَجَّدَ واسْتَعْلى .. والتمس العفوا!