
After eighty my passion faded away


1. After eighty my passion faded away
And illness overcame me, how sweet to depart!

١. بعْد الثَّمانِينَ خَبَتْ جَذْوتي
وآدَني السُّقْمُ. وطاب الرَّحيلْ!

2. After eighty my youth refused
Except to recede from my aged forehead!

٢. بعد الثمانين أَبَتْ صَبْوَتي
إلاَّ انْحساراً عن جبيني الأَثِيلْ!

3. Except to withdraw from a lethal desire
With which a mouth and a flirting glance assail me!

٣. إلاَّ ابْتِعاداً عن هوًى قاتِلٍ
يَرْمِي به ثَغْرٌ وطَرْفٌ كحِيلْ!

4. I lived my life listening to passion
So for me - alas, what an evil guide!

٤. عِشْتُ حَياتي مُصْغياً لِلْهوى
فَكانَ لي –أُوّاهِ بِئْسَ الدَّليلْ!

5. I used to be an unsheathed sword then disappeared
In its sheath without a ringing sound!

٥. كنْتُ حُساماً مُنْتَضًى فاخْتَفى
بِغِمْدِه ما إنْ له من صَلِيلْ!

6. The days of youth have passed. After them
My prime of life hurried away from the path!

٦. عَهْدُ الصَّبا وَلَّى. ومِن بَعْدِه
وَلىَّ شبابي راكِضاً من السَّبيلْ!

7. Would that I had avoided
This passion, this woeful misguidance!

٧. يا لَيْتَني كنْتُ تَوَقَّيْتُهُ
هذا الهوى. هذا الضَّلالُ الوبيلْ!

8. I did not know I was swimming
In mire which I thought a paved road!

٨. ما كنْتُ أَدْرِي أْنَّني سابِحٌ
في حَمْأَةٍ أَحْسَبُها السَّلْسَبيلْ!

9. But it was - then it escaped and did not
Mislead me with the deceitful mirage!

٩. لكنَّها كانَتْ فَفرَّتْ وما
أضَلَّنِي بالخادِعِ المُسْتَطِيلْ!

10. It used to be a sword over my head, if
I disobeyed it, I would be the slain victim!

١٠. كانتْ حُساماً فَوْقَ رأْسي إذا
عَصَيْتُه كنْتُ الصَّرِيعَ القَتِيلْ!

11. Woe is me! Did the sultry heat level
My feet in it with the shady palm-tree?!

١١. وَيْلي من الرَّمْضاءِ هَلاَّ اسْتَوَتْ
رِجْلايَ منها بالخَمِيلِ الظَّلِيلْ؟!

12. But I was the young man wandering
In the dark drinking from the thick turbid wine!

١٢. لكِنَّني كنْتُ الفَتى سادِراً
في الغَيِّ يروى من قَذاةِ الغَلِيلْ!

13. My companions blame me but I do not notice them,
Rather I walk erect with neighing!

١٣. يَلُومُني الصَّحْبُ فما أَرْعَوِي..
بل أَسْتَوِي مُنْتَشِياً بالصَّهِيلْ!

14. After grey hairs that
Exhausted me.. I feel that I am the invalid!

١٤. أَشْعُرُ مِن بعد المَشِيبِ الذي
أنَهكَني.. أَشْعُرُ أَنِّي العلِيلْ!

15. An invalid with a trembling emaciated body
Bending over his stick at dawn and nightfall!

١٥. عَلِيلُ جِسْمٍ راعِشٍ يَنْحَنِي
على عَصاهُ. في الضُّحى والأَصِيلْ!

16. Moaning in silence lest anyone should see
Tears from him and to hide the wailing!

١٦. يَنْشِجُ في صَمْتٍ لِئَلاَّ يرَى
منه الوَرى الدَّمْعَ. ويُخْفي العَوِيلْ!

17. Woe is me for the embers with which I was branded
And the ardour and sleepless nights of my love!

١٧. وَيْلي من النَّارِ الَّتي اكْتَوَى
بها. ومن شجوى وسُهدي الطَّويلْ!

18. And from a conscience whose advice I did not heed
As if it demanded the impossible from me!

١٨. ومِن ضَمِيرٍ لم أُطِعْ نُصْحَهُ
كأَنَّما يَطْلُبني المُسْتَحِيلْ!

19. It rebukes me with a rebuke that pours down
Blood that flows and has no stauncher!

١٩. يَخِزُني وخْزاً تسيل الحشا
به دَماً يجري. وما من مُقِيلْ!

20. So woe for disobedience that has passed but still
Afflicts the present with heavy concerns!

٢٠. فيا لَعِصْيانٍ مَضى يَبْتَلي..
حاضِرَهُ منه بِهَمٍّ ثَقِيلْ!

21. O my conscience.. I do repent,
So where is the might sought by the abject?!

٢١. أَيا ضَمِيري.. إنَّني نادِمٌ
فيا لِعِزٍّ يَشْتَهِيهِ الذَّلِيلْ!

22. I used to be a wailing owl in the dark,
So how can I in daylight sing the love-song?!

٢٢. قد كنْتُ بُوماً ناعِباً من الدُّجى
فكيف أَشْدُو في الضُّحَى بالهَدِيلْ؟!

23. And poetry - how often I sent it buzzing
To produce in feeble prosody precious pearls!

٢٣. والشِّعْرُ كم أَرْسَلْتُهُ شادِياً
فَصاغَ دُرّاً في الأَثيث الأَسِيلْ!

24. With Indian swords it melts the warriors
And the spears dance.. so slender!

٢٤. من الحَوَرِ السَّاجي يُذِيبُ الحَشا
والقَدِّ يختال طَرِيداً.. نَحِيلْ!

25. And love almost killed me as I killed it
And the active perhaps conquered the inert!

٢٥. وكادني الحبُّ كما كِدْتُهُ
ورُبَّما بَزَّ النَّشِيطَ الكَليلْ

26. With poetry I was the lofty orator
Who gained war with a sharpened sword!

٢٦. بالشِّعْرِ كنْتُ الشَّامِخَ المُعْتَلِي
الكاسِب الحَرْبَ بِسَيْفٍ صَقِيلْ!

27. Often beauty surrendered to me so I honoured it
After it surrendered, though it had been avaricious!

٢٧. كم دانَ لي الحُسْنُ فأكْرَمْتُهُ
من بَعْد أَنْ دانْ. وكان البَخِيلْ!

28. That was an era in which I was once
Arrogant. And little of it remains!

٢٨. ذلك عَهْدٌ كنْتُ ذا مِرَّةٍ
به. ولم يَبْق لها من قَلِيلْ!

29. Would that it had never been
And that I had been the feeble emaciated man!

٢٩. كم أتَمنىَّ أنَّها لم تَكُنْ
وأنَّني كنْتُ الضَّعيفَ الهَزِيلْ!

30. For weakness might have protected me
From tyranny in which I delighted!

٣٠. فقد يكونُ الضَّعْفُ لي عِصْمَةً
من جَنَفٍ كنْتُ به أَسْتَطِيلْ!

31. And today I am a trembling skeleton
Whose freshness the winds have wasted and extinguished the remainders!

٣١. واليَوْمَ إنَّي هَيْكَلٌ راعِشٌ
يَبِسُهُ راحَ. وراحَ البَلِيلَ!

32. Crawling.. inhaling some fragrance
From his garden gone to waste and the dew of the palms!

٣٢. يَدِبُّ.. يَسْتَنْشِقُ بَعْضَ الشَّذا
من رَوْضِهِ الذاوِي ورَطْب النَّجيلْ!

33. After it had abundant drops of dew
With ripe fruit.. and palms luxuriant!

٣٣. مِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ كانَ كثيرَ النَّدى
بالثَّمَرِ الحالِي.. زاهي النَّخِيلْ!

34. I pray God for forgiveness and hope for guidance
From Him in the form of a beautiful pardon!

٣٤. أسْتَغْفِرُ الله. وأرجو الهُدى
منه يُوافِيني بِصَفْحٍ جَمِيلْ!

35. There - how beautiful are those dwellings
That give tranquility, and how happy is the lodger!

٣٥. هُناكَ ما أَجْمَلَ تِلْكَ الصُّوى
تَهْدِي. وما أَسْعَدَ فيها النَّزِيلْ!

36. And O my companions and intimate friends
Who were my fresh and fragrant passion!

٣٦. ويا أُهَيْلي ورِفاقي الأُلى
كانوا هَوايَ المُسْتطابَ الحَفِيلْ!

37. He among them who still remains has not ceased to adorn it
And his tribe still takes pride in him!

٣٧. من كانَ مِنهُمُ لم يَزَلْ بالحِمى
يَزِينُه.. يَشْرُفُ منه القَبِيلْ!

38. And he who turned away, he is in his abode,
That which honours him with abundant favour!

٣٨. ومَن تَناءى. فهو في دارِهِ
تِلْكَ التي تُكْرِمُهُ بالجَزِيلْ!

39. How they crowned me with pleasures sweet
And visions that enchant and attract!

٣٩. كم طَوَّقُوني بالمُنى حُلْوَةٌ
وبالرُّؤى رفَّافَةً تَسْتَمِيلْ!

40. And I never complained of sorrow
Except they came with the reward that dispels it!

٤٠. وكنْتُ لا أَشْكو الوَنى مَرَّةً
إلاَّ وجاءوا بالمُثِيبِ. المُنيلْ!

41. I invoke mercy for the departed
And blessings for the rest of the company!

٤١. أَسْتَنْزِلُ الرَّحْمَةَ لِلْمُنتَأي
وأَنْشُدُ النُّعْمى لباقي الرَّعِيلْ!

42. And I hope they will forgive me for
What was done by me before the day of departure!

٤٢. وارْتَجي الغُفْران مِنْهُم على..
ما كانَ مِنِّي قَبْلَ يَوْمِ الرّحَيلْ!