
I recalled days now passed and nights long gone,

وهم الخلود

1. I recalled days now passed and nights long gone,
When my prime of life away with them had flown!

١. تذكَّرتُ أيَّاماً مضَتْ ولَيالِيا؟!
قَضَيْتُ بها كِفْلاً من العُمْرِ حالِيا!

2. My dignity they usurped, my bashfulness,
Made me forget what once was sweet and dear.

٢. تَملَّكْنَ منِّي نُهْيَتي وحَشاشَتِي
وأَنْسَيْنَني ما كان عَذْباً وغالِيا!

3. Made me forget, until my people and kin,
I was but a lovesick bard, distraught, forlorn.

٣. وأَنْسَيْنَني حتى أُهَيْلي ومَعْشري
فما عُدْتُ إلاَّ عاشِقا مُتَصابِيا!

4. Crazed was I, madly in love, all caution to the wind...
When love was fresh, desires were new each morn.

٤. وما عُدْتُ إلاَّ مُسْتَهِيماً بِخُرَّدٍ..
من الغِيدِ أَصْبَحْنَ الهوى المُتَفانِيا!

5. Time has passed, would that it had remained,
Would that it were still that lovely time of yore!

٥. زَمانٌ تَوَّلىَّ ليتَهُ كانَ باقِياً..
ويا لَيْتَهُ كانَ الزَّمانَ المُوالِيا!

6. As if I were angel in Paradise laid,
Yearning for eternal life evermore.

٦. كَأَنِّي به كنْتُ المَلاكَ الذي ثَوى
بِفِرْدَوْسِهِ يَرْجو الخُلودَ المُصافِيا!

7. No more did I seek the company of man,
Ruin or glory... Nay, but cold and distant I became.

٧. فَلَمْ أَبْقَ مَخْلُوقاً مِن الأُنْسِ راجِياً
حُطاماً ومَجْداً.. بل غَدَوتُ المُجافِيا!

8. To me they both were paltry, nothing worth,
When love would stir in me hopes and desires.

٨. كِلا اثْنَيْهِما كانا لَديَّ تَفاهَةً
أَمامَ الهوى يُزْجِي إليَّ الأمانيا!

9. They were beauties of pride and dignity,
Who chose none but the exceptional and grand.

٩. وكُنَّ حِساناً شامِخاتٍ بعزَّةٍ
مِن الحُسْنِ ما يَخْتارُ إلاَّ العَواليا!

10. If they chose, they chose none but the refined,
Or the generous, who gratis gifts would hand.

١٠. إذا اخْتَرْنَ لم يَخْتَرْنَ إلاَّ مُجَلِّياً
وإلاَّ كَرِيمَا يَسْتَطِيبُ المجانيا!

11. To him alone their radiance they would give,
Lighting his verse, kindling the ecstasies.

١١. له وَحْدَهُ أَلاؤُهُنَّ سَخِيَّةً
تُضِيءُ حَوانِيهِ فَيُشْجِرَ المغانِيا!

12. If he would pen it as a precious jewel,
Its verses would solace souls in agony.

١٢. بِشِعْرٍ إذا ما صاغَهُ جَوْهَراً
فَآياتُهُ تروي القلوب الصواديا!

13. His words were supple like fresh verdant plants,
Melodies would trill, meanings ascend on high.

١٣. له القَوْلُ مِطْواعٌ كبِئْرٍ مُنَضَّر
فَيُطرِبُ ألفاظاً. ويَسْمو مَعانيا!

14. No cheap floozy did they ever embrace,
Only the elite of suitors they would draw nigh.

١٤. وما ابْتَذَلَتْ مِنْهُنَّ قَطُّ خَرِيدةٌ
ولا واصَلَتْ إلا الكَمِيَّ المباهيا!

15. One day I said to a beauty who had glanced at me,
Yearning, stealing away my thoughts in a sigh:

١٥. وقُلْتُ لإحداهُنَ يَوْماً وقد رَنَتْ
إليَّ بِشَوْقٍ يَسْتَرِقُّ الحَوانِيا!

16. "Does not what you hide have an ending, frightening,
That terrifies, folding the hearts in fear?"

١٦. أَلَيْسَ لِما تَطْوِينَه مِن نِهايةٍ
تُخِيفُ. وتَطْوِي لِلْقُلوبِ العَوادِيا؟!

17. She replied, hot tears streaming, revealing,
A love that fiercely within her did lie:

١٧. فقالتْ. وقد أَذْرَتْ دُمُوعاً سَخِينَةً
تشِفُّ عن الحُبِّ الذي كانَ ضاريا!!

18. "I nearly forgot my honor in loving you,
Though reason was my guide in passion's sea.

١٨. لقد كِدْتُ أَنْسى في هَواكَ كَرامَتِي
وإنْ كانَ عَقْلي في الهوى كان هادِيا!

19. If you never forgot virtue, you shielded me,
Preferring from me chastity and propriety.

١٩. وإنْ كُنْتُ لم تَنْسَ العَفافَ فَصُنْتَني
وآثَرْتَ مِنِّي عِفَّةً وتَدانِيا!

20. I see you as my soul, nay, of greater worth,
So how can one turn away from the cupbearer's wine?

٢٠. أراكَ كَروُحي بَلْ وأَغْلا مَكانَةً
فكيف لِصادٍ أَنْ يَعافَ السَّواقِيا؟!

21. Days passed by us, then disguised themselves,
Oh cursed life that savors tragedies!

٢١. وَمَرَّتْ بِنا الأَيَّامُ ثم تَنكَّرَتْ
فيا لحياةٍ تَسْتَطِيبُ المآسِيا!

22. It reduces the jolly man to idle frivolity,
Making libertines of free and noble ladies.

٢٢. تَرُدُّ بِها العاني إلى اللَّهْوِ عابِثاً
وتَمْسَخُ مِن أَحرارِهِنَّ غَوانِيا!

23. ...After my devotion,
And after I had grown accustomed to seeing the garden decayed!

٢٣. …………… بعْدَ تَرَهُّبي
وبَعْدَ اعْتِيادِي أَنْ أرى الرَّوْضَ ذاويا!

24. She knew the me of present and days gone by,
She hesitated... Not all beauties are like her,

٢٤. وقد عَرَفَتْ مِنِّي الذي كانَ حاضِراً
كما عَرَفَتْ مِنِّي الذي كانَ ماضَيا!

25. Leave behind days that have passed, disappointing.
For you have the best in me, so purify my heart,

٢٥. تَأَنَّ.. فَما كُلُّ الحِسانِ كَمِثْلِها
ودَعْ عَنْكَ أَيَّاماً مَضَيْنَ خَوالِيا!

26. That longs to see you, living in hopes for years,
Content with the wishes you fulfill, ecstasies you stir.

٢٦. فَإنَّ لك الحُسْنى لدَيَّ فَصافِني
تُصافِ فُؤاداً مِنكِ يَرجو التَّلاقيا!

27. By what I endured from her I was saddened,
And by what she endured - my mind found rest!

٢٧. يَعيشُ زَماناً بالمُنى تَسْتَفِزُّهُ
إِليكَ وتَرْضى في هَواكَ الدَّواهِيا!

28. She regretted the fading of her youth,
And regretted what had marred her prime.

٢٨. عَرَفْتُ بِما لاقَيْتُ منها فَسَاءَنِي
وما هي قد لاقَتْهُ. فارْتاحَ بالِيَا!

29. She reached the depths of sadness,
Returning like one gone astray, stumbling blind.

٢٩. لقدْ رَثَّ مِنْها ما ازْدَهَتْ بِجَدِيدِهِ
وقد نَدِمَتْ مِمَّا أَشابَ النَّواصِيا!

30. Do not grieve, for I am faithful in love,
And I know it best, visions most clear...

٣٠. وقد بَلَغَتْ بالحُزْنِ أَقْصى مَجالِهِ
وعادَتْ كَمِثْلِ الضَّلِّ يُدْمي المآقيا!

31. I love you, so that I see none but you in my dreams,
However you are, wherever you rest your head.

٣١. فَلا تَبْتَئِسْ. إِنِّي الوَفِيَّةُ في الهوى
وإنِّي به أَدْرى. أَجْلى مَرائِيا..!

32. So I said to her... Enough! For I am determined,
I shall not waver again in love's battle!

٣٢. أُحِبُّكَ حتى ما أَراكَ سِوى الرُّؤى
تَطِيبُ وتَحْلو أَيْنَما كُنْتَ ثاوِيا!

33. You will forget love and its foolishness,
You will cast love from you, no longer enthralled!

٣٣. فقُلْتُ لها.. كُفِّي فَإِنِّي مُرَزَّأٌ
فلَنْ أَسْتَوِي في مَرْبَع الحُبِّ ثانيا!

34. You think that your love is undying,
But no - since love was, it has been fleeting!

٣٤. لَسَوْفَ سَتَسْلِين الهوى وسِفاهَهُ
وسَوْفَ سَتَلْقِينَ الهوى عَنْكِ ساليا!

35. Worldly life - how it twists the truth in passion,
And in feeling - how it bends fanciful thoughts!

٣٥. تَظُنِّينَ مِثْلي أَنَّ حُبَّكِ خالِدٌ
وكلاَّ. فَمُذْ كانَ الهوى. كان فانِيا!

36. I was - woe to me - a poet turned from his course,
My guide. And if blamed, a defiant debater!

٣٦. أدُنْيايَ ما أَحْلا الحَقِيقةَ في النُّهى
وفي الحِسِّ. ما أَنْكى الخَيالَ المُداجِيا!

37. I see my reality as a garden, so I wander
Through barren imagination... How astray!

٣٧. وقد كنْتُ –وَيْحي شاعراً مُتنَكِّباً
هُدايَ. فإِنْ عُوتبْتُ كنْتُ المُلاحيا!