
O you who come to poetry, how sweet are your strings

إلى البلبل الغريد

1. O you who come to poetry, how sweet are your strings
That sing. Bringing delight to the ear and sight!

١. يا مُقْبِلَ الشِّعْرِ.. ما أحْلاكَ مِن وَتَرٍ
غَنَّى. فَلِلسَّمْع تطريب. ولِلْبَصَرِ!

2. Why flee? This garden seduces us
With its freshness, its flowers and fruits!

٢. كيف الهٌروبُ؟! وهذا الروض يَفْتِنُنا
نَضْراً بما فيهِ من زَهْرِ ومِن ثَمَرِ!

3. You are poetry's symbol, long aspired to
By diverse souls and minds!

٣. لأَنْتِ لِلشِّعْرِ رَمْزٌ طالَما طَمَحَتْ
إليه شَتَّى من الأَرْواحِ والفِكَرِ!

4. Leave fleeing. Make us happy with a wonder
After another, with the pearls they contain!

٤. دَعِ الهُروبَ. وأسْعِدنا بِرائعةٍ
مِن بَعد أُخْرى بما تَحْوي من الدُّرَرِ!