
One evening I met the beautiful maiden in the twilight

قالت وقلت

1. One evening I met the beautiful maiden in the twilight
She said, "Don't you know where I live?!"

١. عِشِيَّة لاقَيْتُ المليحةَ في الدُّجى
فقالتْ أما يَخْفى عليك مَكاني؟!

2. I said, "Yes, but within my ribs I have eyes
That show me my stream and gardens!"

٢. فقلتُ بلى لكنَّ لي بين أضلُعي
عُيوناً تُرِيني جَدْولي وجِناني!

3. And you are the one who gives me no rest
With union, nor misery by severing my ties!

٣. وأَنْتِ هُما.. أنتِ التي لا تُرٍيحني
بِوَصْلٍ . ولا تُشقْى بِقطْع عِناني!

4. My inspiration flows from the fountain of creation
Try to match its flow with praise for a few moments!

٤. تَدَفَّق إِلهامي من شَكاةَ فحاوِلي
تَدَفُّقَه بالحَمْدِ بِضْعَ ثَواني!

5. She said, "Passion will meet me for your love
And I long for no other lover!"

٥. فَقالتْ سَتلْقاني الحَفِيَّةَ بالهوى
هَواكَ. ولا أصْبو إلى عاشِقٍ ثاني!

6. "Are you not the one who unfurls the rhymes
And does what the expert composer cannot do?!"

٦. أَلسْتَ الذي يُزْجِي القوافِي شُرَّعاً
فَتَفْعَلُ ما لا يَفْعَلُ اللَّهْذَمُ القاني؟!

7. "Are you not the one who wakes and sleeps elated
With my love, even if I cast it into fires?!"

٧. أَلسْتَ الذي يُمْسي ويُصْبحُ شادِياً
بِحُبَّي. ولو ألْقَيْتُه بَيْن نِيرانِ؟!

8. "Are you not the one who was virtuous and loyal to me
With the love of my ardour and chose me with melodies?!"

٨. أَلسْتَ الذي عافَ الحِسانَ وبرَّني
بِحُبَّ شجاني .. واصْطَفاني بألْحانِ؟!

9. So I said, "God bless you, O essence of my delight
And secret of my inspiration and fervour of my passions!"

٩. فقلتُ رعاكِ الله . يا ذاتَ بَهْجَتي
ويا سِرَّ إْلهامي. وصَبْوَةَ أشْجاني!

10. For you are nothing but life to me, if you depart
I will wither and my pasture and land will be desolate!

١٠. فما أَنْتِ لي إلاَّ الحياةُ فإنْ نَأَتْ
تَلاشَيْتُ واسْتَخْذى يَراعي وتَبْياني!

11. And the warbling nightingales returned without melody
To a frightening wasteland with nothing but ravens!

١١. وعادتْ بلا شَدْو طَرُوب بَلابلى
بِقَفْرٍ مُخِيف ما بهِ غَيْرَ غِرْبانِ!

12. For you are my eyes with which I gain insight
And you, who let me hear the sweetness, are my ears!

١٢. فأنْتِ عُيوني أَسْتَشِفُّ بها الرُّؤى
وأَنْتِ .. وقد أَسْمَعْتِني الحُلوَ .. آذاني!

13. She said, "You have honoured and elevated me
To a peak, O pillar of purity and loftiness!"

١٣. فقالت لقد مَجَّدْتَني وَرَفَعْتَني
إلى قِمَّةٍ .. يا صِنْوَ مُسَّ وسَحْبان!

14. So the beauties were amazed by all the kindness, saying
In poetry, you have become the most verdant garden!

١٤. فَتُهْت على كلَّ الحِسان . فَقُلْنَ لي
لقد صِرْتِ عند الشَّعْرِ أَنْضَرَ بُسْتانِ!

15. And when we consider his thoughts and feelings
He is but a tree taking refuge in valleys!

١٥. ولَمَّا نَعُدْ في فَكْرِه وشُعوِرِهِ
سوى شَجَر ذاوِ يَلُوذُ بِقِيعانِ!

16. We see him like a crazed madman wandering
Purposelessly, for nothing makes love suffer like madness!

١٦. نَراهُ كمجْنُونٍ بَلَيْلاهُ.. سادِرٍ
بغَيَّ.. وما يُشْقِي الهوى غَيْرُ غَيَّانِ

17. So I said to her, wander proudly over the dunes
And boast over them, until they retreat in loss!

١٧. فقُلْتُ لها تيهي على الغيدِ وافْخَري
عَلَيْهِنَّ.. حتى يَنْقِلَبْنَ بِخُسْرانِ!

18. For you are a moon that stirs up jealous stars
Around it, confused and dazzled!

١٨. فإِنَّكِ بَدْرٌ يَسْتِثيرُ كواكِباً
غَيارى حَوالَيْهِ. هَذَيْنَ ببَهتْانِ!

19. They are jealous of you and resentful of me
And I am not wretched, for I am no devil!

١٩. هَذَيْنَ بهِ حِقْدا عليكِ ونِقْمَةً
عَلَيَّ. وما أَشْقى . فَلَسْتُ بِشَيْطانِ!

20. I have chosen what pleases the conscience I protected
From the idle gossip that degrades my poetry and mysticism!

٢٠. قد اخْتَرتُ ما أرْضى الضَّمِيَر وصانَهُ
من العَبَثِ المُزرِي بِشِعْري وعِرْفاني!

21. She said, "I will not suffer misery for your chaste love,
For it was no error that you chose to love me wholeheartedly!

٢١. فقالت ولن أَشقى بِحُبَّكَ عاصِماً
فما ضَلَّ أَنْ أَثَرْتَ حُبًّكَ وُجْداني!

22. Nor was my faith in it misguided,
Nor was it misguided, O you who brings happiness to love in my view!

٢٢. وما ضَلَّ إيماني بِهِ مُتَبَتَّلاً
ولا ضّلَّ يا مَن يُسْعِدُ الحُبَّ حُسباني!

23. With it I found, after being lost, my guidance
To everything the imaginations conceal, with certainty!

٢٣. وجَدْتُ به بعد الضَّلالِ هِدايتي
إلى كلَّ ما يَطْوي الظُّنُونَ.. بإِيقان!

24. And I do not fear any resentment towards me, perhaps
I found light within it in the dark tribulations!

٢٤. وما خِفْتُ مِن حِقْدٍ عَلَيَّ فَرُبَّما..
تَنَوَّرْتُ مِنه في الدَّياجيرِ شُطْآني!

25. So I said to her, "Be happy with this love,
For with it, happiness has met two souls!"

٢٥. فقُات لها هذا الحُبُّ فاسْعَدي
وكََلاَ. فقد لاقَتْ بِه السَّعْدُ نًفْسانِ!

26. I see it as worthy of contentment and its gifts,
And I will repay it with the most precious sacrifice!

٢٦. أراه جَدِيراً بالرِّضا وهِباتِهِ
وسوف أُوافِيِهِ بأَكْرَمِ قُرْبانِ!

27. It rewarded me with poetry, then it was chaste,
Then it made passionate what inspires me with ardent fervor!

٢٧. جَزاني بشِعْرٍ ثم ثَنَّى بِعِفَّةٍ
وثَلَّثَ ما أَشْجاهُ بالشَّغَفِ الحاني!

28. If it wants nearness I will not be distant,
And if it wants distance, I will be the one drawing near!

٢٨. فإِن شاءَ قُرْباً لم أكُنْ عنه نائِياً
وإنْ شاءَ بُعْداً كنْتُ منه أَنا الدَّاني!

29. She said, and tears had risen in her eyes,
Lighting them like a star shining in the eyes of sailors!

٢٩. فقالت . وقد سَمت الدُّموعَ بعَيْنِها
تُضِيءُ كنجم شَعَّ في عَيْنِ رُبّانِ!

30. I ransom you! How pure is your love that returns me
To righteousness, healing me of hostilities!

٣٠. فَدَيْتُكَ. ما أَنقى هواكَ يَرُدُّني
إلى الرُّشْدِ يَشْفينيِ من الشَّنآنِ!

31. I do not care about the beauties mocking me,
For they are nothing but dirt in my eyes!

٣١. ولَسْتُ أبالي بالحِسانِ يَنُشْنَني
فما هُنَّ في عَيْنَيَّ غَيْرُ قيانِ!

32. I am but a free woman whose love
Has purified her. I did not live like sinful women!

٣٢. وما أنا إلاَّ حُرَّةٌ طَهّرَ الهوَى
حَشاها. فما عَاشَتْ كَعَيْشِ غَواني!

33. So I said to her, this is the life that scorns
All my belongings, however fragrant and exquisite!

٣٣. فَقُلْتُ لها هذا هو العَيْشُ يزدري
بكل مَتاعيْ عَبْقِ وجُمانِ..!

34. And it triumphs in the radiance of beauty, adorned
With purity, so it is not shamed by flaws!

٣٤. ويَزْهُو بَلأْلاءِ الجَمالِ مُزَمَّلاً..
بِطُهْرٍ.. فما يَخْزى من النَّزَوانِ!

35. The mirror has shown me in you, O noble one,
A steed whose guidance and affection have appeared!

٣٥. أَبانَتْ لِيَ المِرْآةُ منكِ كريمةً
حَصاناً تَجَلَّتْ في هُدى وحَنانِ!

36. I will sing, and you will sing of love and its passions,
And the sublime love that makes two pens sing!

٣٦. سأَشْدو. وتَشْدُو بالهوى وشُجُونِهِ
وجَلَّ الهوى يَشْدُو به قَلَمانِ!

37. She acclaimed my singing and responded to its melody,
Saying, "You have soared, O little dove!"

٣٧. أشادَتْ بِشَدْوِي واسْتجابَتْ لِجَرْسِهِ
وقالتْ. لقد حَلَّقْتَ يا كَرَواني!