1. I wandered in a terrible, gloomy prison
Where I was met with nothing but hostility!
١. تردَّيْتُ في دَرْكٍ رهيبٍ مُعَسْعِسٍ
فلم يَلقَني فيه سوى الشَّنآنِ!
2. Except for a group twisting their ribs toward evil
In every place in this world.. and time!
٢. سوى زُمُرَةٍ تَطْوي على الشَّرِّ أضْلُعاً
بكلَّ مكانِ في الدُّنَّى.. وزمانِ!
3. And through them Satan appears happy and content
For Satan has won every bet!
٣. ويبدو بها الشيطان جذلان راضياً
فقد كَسِبَ الشَّيطانُ كل رَهَانِ!
4. So I said to myself after my dwelling worsened
Woe to me from what the two angels record!
٤. فقُلْتُ لِنَفْسي بعد أن ساءَ مَنْزِلي
لِيَ الوَيْلُ مِمَّا يكَتُبُ المَلَكانِ!
5. Woe to me for the company who dressed
In their sins of desire and greed!
٥. لي الوَيْلُ بالرَّهطِ الذين تَسَرْبَلوا
بآثامِهمْ من شَهْوَةٍ ودِنانِ!
6. Shall I remain in this disgraceful prison shackled
In shame? While my thoughts and madness bind me?!
٦. أأَمْكُثُ في الدَّرْكِ المَهيَنِ مُجَلَّلاً
بعاري . وفِكْري مُوثَقٌ وجِناني؟!
7. And I called in the name of God, I send forth my tears..
Pleading to Him from anguish and humiliation!
٧. وناَديتُ باسْم الله أُرْسلُ مَدمَعي..
شفيعاً إليه من قَذًى وهَوانِ!
8. Then I saw a light shine through the darkness
And behind it I saw the specter of tenderness!
٨. فأبْصرْتُ نُوراً أشَعَّ بَيْن دُجُنَّةٍ
ومن خَلْفِهِ أَبْصَرْتُ طَيْفَ حَنانِ!
9. Saying: Shall I not ascend from here without fear
For you are safe from harm and curses!
٩. يقول : ألا أصْعَدْ مِن هنا غَيْرَ خائِفٍ
فأنْتَ بِمَنْأىّ عن أَذًى ولعانِ!
10. You were saved by confident faith.. so do not return
With a misguided heart to passion. And the tongue!
١٠. نجَوْتَ بأيمانٍ رَكينٍ.. فلا تَعُدْ
بِقَلْبٍ غَوِيٍّ للِهوى. ولِسانِ!
11. Otherwise the soul has nothing but agony
Nothing but each unsheathed, sharpened sword. And fang!
١١. وإلاَّ فما للرُّوحِ سوى اللَّظى
سوى كلًّ سْيفٍ صارمٍ. وسِنانِ!
12. So I said, I seek refuge in God that I leave desire
To lead my mount in the pathways. And my reigns!
١٢. فقُلْتُ معاذَ الله أَنْ أَدعَ الهوى
يَقُودُ رِكابي في السُّرى . وعِناني!
13. I have had my fill of tribulations from what I have faced..
And I have had my fill of what makes me more miserable than punishment
١٣. فَحَسْبي مِن البأْساءِ ما قد لَقِيتُهُ..
وحَسْبي الذي أَشْقى مِن النَّزَوانِ
14. I have faced from Satan every temptation
And I have faced my pure, rightful guidance from my Kind Maker!
١٤. لقِيتُ من الشَّيطانِ كُلَّ غِواَيةٍ
ولاقَيْتُ رُشْدي الصَّفْو من بارئي الحاني!
15. So this is my conscience fervently roaring
Like a lover engrossed in song.. and flutes!
١٥. فهذا ضَميري لاهِجٌ بِهِباتِهِ
كَشَدْوِ يَراعي مُخْيِتاً.. وبَناني!
16. Passions and how I yearn to drink its wine
When I have grown old! Or yearn for the beauty of youth!
١٦. دِنانٌ وما أَهفو لِشُرْبِ رَحِيقِها
وقد شِبْتُ . أو أهفو لِحُسْن غَواني!
17. I have severed ties with passions and flirts. And turned me
Away from vanity that seriousness has scolded me!
١٧. عقَقْتُ الغَواني والحِسانَ. ورَدَّني
عن الَّلهْوِ أنَّ الجِدَّ منه ثناني!
18. My misguidance in youth was injurious so it saddened me
And my elder prudence made me happy when it hurt me!
١٨. شَجاني ضَلالي في الشَّبابِ فَساءَني
وسَرَّ مَشِيبي الرُّشْدُ حِين شَجاني!