1. What has befallen you after me
After the separation and estrangement?!
١. ماذا حلا لكِ بَعدي
بعد القِلا والتَّصدِّي؟!
2. As for me, my solace
Is that I was blessed with beauty!
٢. أمَّا أنا فِحَلاِ لي
أَنِّي حَظِيتُ بِجُنْدِ!
3. With a charm that I live luxuriously with!
While you are alone, bleak
٣. من المِلاحِ شَذِيٌّ
أَعِيشُ منه بِرَغْدِ!
4. After glory and might!
None desire you, so they incline
٤. وحيدةٌ أنْتِ.. شِلْوٌ
من بعد عِزَّ ومَجْدِ!
5. Towards trash except for a glutton
You were once a shining star
٥. لا يَشْتَهِيها فَيَصْبو
إلى القَذى غَيْرُ وَغْدِ
6. For every gorge and plateau!
The muscular envied you intensely
٦. قد كنْتِ نَجْماً وَضِيئاً
لِكُلِّ غَوْرٍ ونَجْدِ!
7. Like the edge of a sharp sword!
And they said you're not up to it
٧. حَسَدْنَكِ الغِيدُ وَجْداً
كَمِثْلِ حَدَِّ الفِرِنْدِ!
8. Yet you are the greatest supporter!
And we will reward you with affection
٨. وقُلْنَ لْيسَتْ بِنِدَّ
فأنْت أعْظَمُ ندِّ!
9. If you wanted with friendship!
Rather, we will reward you with connection
٩. ونحن نَجْزِيكَ وُدّاً
إذا أَرَدْت بِوُِدِّ !
10. And you have been rewarded with rejection!
We are the beautiful gazelles
١٠. بل سوف نَجْزِيكَ وَصْلاً
وقد جُزِيتَ بِصَدِّ!
11. In the garden, more radiant than flowers!
And we fell in love with poetry
١١. نَحْن الحِسانُ اللَّواتي
في الرَّوْضِ أَنْضَرُ وَرْدِ!
12. That heals the chests and pours forth!
As if it were the warbling of a bird
١٢. وقد شُغِفْنا بِشِعْرٍ
يشفي الصُّدورَ ويُسدي!
13. As if it were the taste of honey!
And it may be a warner
١٣. كأَنَّه شَدْوُ طَيْرٍ
كأنَّه طَعْم شَهْدِ!
14. Like lightning and thunder!
Take the peak of beauty and leave
١٤. وقد يكونُ نَذِيراً
كَمِثْلِ بَرْقٍ ورَعْدِ!
15. What was of it rough
The inspirers are like who dress
١٥. خُذْ قِمَّةَ الحُسْنِ واتْرُكِ
ما كانَ منه كلَحْدِ!
16. Poetry in the finest attire!
And they dressed it in attire
١٦. المُلْهِماتُ كَسَوْنَ
القَريضَ أَجْمَل بُرْدِ!
17. So they rejoiced in it eternally!
So bestow upon us your poetry
١٧. وقد كَساهُنَّ بُرْداً
فَرُحْنَ منه بِخُلْدِ!
18. O poet of integrity..!
For it is for transcendence
١٨. فاصْدَحْ بِشِعْرِكَ فينا
يا شاعراً مِن مَعَدِّ..!
19. It leads.. not to decline!
And the free poet disdains
١٩. فإنه لِسُمُوَّ
يَقُودُ .. لا لِتَردِّي!
20. Except accepting the challenge!
And she challenged you one day
٢٠. والشاعِرُ الحُرُّ يأْبَى
إلاَّ قَبُولَ التَّحَدِّي!
21. So she surpassed all intentions!
So toss her in a pit
٢١. وقد تَحَدَّتْكَ يوماً
فَجاوزَتْ كُلِّ قَصْدِ!
22. For it is the best boundary...!
Not who gets lost in glory
٢٢. فأَلْقِها في حفير
فإِنَّه خَيْرُ حَدِّ...!
23. Like who gets lost in cleavage!
And we heard a talk
٢٣. ما مَنْ يَتِيهُ بِمَجْدٍ
كمن يَتِيه بِنَهْدِ!
24. That grieves the souls and lays them to waste!
Saying she was a gazelle
٢٤. وقد سَمِعْنا حَدِيثاً
يُشْقي النُّفُوسَ ويُرْدى!
25. But became like an ape!
She did not settle down with joking
٢٥. يَقُولُ كانت غزالاً
فأَصْبَحَتْ مِثْلَ قِرْدِ!
26. Nor settled down seriously!
So they turned away from her,
٢٦. فلا اسْتَقامَتْ بِهَزْلٍ
ولا استقامَتْ بِجِدِّ!
27. All the free and enslaved!
She said to them, what has befallen you
٢٧. فَصَدَّ عنها هُواةً..
من كُلِّ حُرِّ وَعَبْدِ!
28. After love and passion!
You were soldiers to me
٢٨. قالت لهم ما اعْتَراكُمْ
مِن بَعْد حُبِّ وَوَجْدِ!
29. Fearing my voice and distance!
My love floored you as corpses
٢٩. كُنْتُمْ لدَيَّ جُنوداً
يَخْشَوْنَ صَدِّى وبُعْدي!
30. You cannot stand before me!
You left me and went
٣٠. صَرْعى هَوايَ جُثِيّاً
ما تَسْتَطيلون عِنْدي!
31. Away from me, so I was alone!
You were weak sheep
٣١. تَرَكْتُموني ورُحْتُمْ
عَنِّي. فأصْبَحْتُ وَحْدي!
32. So how did you become like lions?!
They said to her, we were protected
٣٢. كُنْتُمْ خِرافاَ ضِعافاً
فكيف عُدْتُمْ كأُسْدِ؟!
33. From the evil of that transgression!
From the evil of deceptive beauty
٣٣. قالوا لها. قد وُقِينا
من شَرِّ ذاك التَّعَدِّي!
34. That has no cure!
We lived paying its price for ages
٣٤. من شَرِّ حُسْنِ هَصُورٍ
ما إنْ له مِن مَرَدِّ!
35. And we do not see it pays off!
And we were worn out by misfortune
٣٥. عِشْنا نُفَدِّيه دَهْراً
وما نَراهُ يُفَدَِّي!
36. And were not worn out by good fortune..!
She said, woe to you for you
٣٦. وقد بُلِنا بِنَحْسِ
وما بُلِينا بِسَعْدِ..!
37. Are the rebels of cunning and deceit!
And copious tears flowed
٣٧. قالت خَسِئْتُمْ فأنْتُمْ
بُغاةُ مَكْرٍ وكَيْدِ!
38. From her over every cheek!
She said, I wish I
٣٨. وسال دَمْعٌ غَزيرٌ
منها على كُلِّ خَدِّ!
39. Was guided one day by my reason!
So I did not pasture it with rejection
٣٩. قالَتْ تَمَنَّيْتُ أنِّي
قد لُذْتُ يَوْماً برُشْدي!
40. Nor pasture it with harvesting!
It was an impenetrable dam
٤٠. فلم أَرُعْهُ بِصَدٍّ
ولم أرُعْه بِحَصْدِ!
41. And I toyed with my dam!
And it was a beautiful promise
٤١. قد كان سَدّاً مَنِيعاً
وقد عَبَثْتُ بِسَدِّي!
42. Yet I did not fulfill my promise!
This is the story of a sword
٤٢. وكان وعْداً جَميلاً
فما وَفَيْتُ لِوَعْدي!
43. That did not settle in its sheath!
For its sheath was brittle
٤٣. هذي حكايةُ سَيْفِ
لم يَسْتَقِرَّ بِغِمْدِ!
44. And was not solid!
And the sword was unleashed
٤٤. فَغِمْدُه كان هَشّماً
ولم يكُنْ بالأَشَدِّ!
45. Brandishing with palms and wrists!
And no balance holds up
٤٥. والسَّيْفُ كانَ رَهِيفاً
يَسْطُو بكفِّ وزِنْدِ!
46. Between weakness and support!
And I was not wanton
٤٦. وما يَقُومُ وِفاقٌ
ما بَيْن ضَعْفٍ وأَيْدِ!
47. Or I was pretentious with my own!
But I was pretentious with my reason
٤٧. ولم أكُنْ بِغَوَيِّ
أوْ كُنْتُ أَزْهو بِجدِّي!
48. And my virtues, and with my abundance!
And I did not go astray so I misery
٤٨. بل كنْتُ أزْهو بِرُشْدي
وشيمتي. وبرفْدي!
49. Rather I assist and guide!
O my departure, you will not heed
٤٩. ولم أُضِلِّ فأُشْقِي
لكِن أُعِينُ وأَهدي!
50. From me with cunning and hatred!
You will not hear but gratitude
٥٠. يا غادتي. لن تُراعِي
مِنِّي بِكَيْدٍ وحِقْدِ!
51. For the estrangement and praise!
For I have a chaste tongue
٥١. لن تَسْمَعي غَيْرَ شُكْرٍ
على الصُّدودِ وحَمْدِ!
52. In what it repeats and initiates!
And I have a pure gaze..
٥٢. فَلِي لِسانٌ عَفِيفٌ
فيما يُعِيدُ ويُبْدي!
53. By heaven through land and sea!
It has never drawn hastily
٥٣. ولي يَراعٌ طَهْورٌ..
سَما بِجَزْرٍ ومَدِّ!
54. Or drawn one day deliberately!
So my being is of fragrance
٥٤. لم يَسْط يَوماً بِسَهْوٍ
أَوْ يَسْطُ يَوْماً بِعَمْدِ!
55. Prospering with aloes wood and myrtle..!
My roses were a fresh Euphrates
٥٥. فَعُنْصُري مِن عَبِيرٍ
زاكٍ بِعُودٍ ونَدِّ..!
56. So I flourished through my roses!
٥٦. قد كانَ وِرْدي فُراتاً
عَذْباً.فَطِبْتُ بِوِرْدي!