
With God's revelation, glory boasts

بكم آل وحي الله يفتخر المجد

1. With God's revelation, glory boasts,
And through you, praise, gratitude and laudation are justified.

١. بِكم آلَ وَحْيِ اللهِ يفتخرُ المجدُ
وفيكم يَسوغ المدحُ والشكر والحمدُ

2. Poetry extolling you has no limits,
But it is enough what effort can attain.

٢. وما يَنتهِي فيكم ثَنا الشعرِ غايةً
ولكنه حَسْبُ الذي يبلغُ الجُهْد

3. If God sent down the Book praising you,
What more can a poet thereafter bring?

٣. إذا أنزل اللهُ الكتابَ بمَدْحِكُم
فكم قَدْرُ ما يأتِي به شاعرٌ بَعْدُ

4. Longing for you, Commander of the Faithful,
With meanings and words strung like a necklace.

٤. إليكَ أميرَ المؤمنين تَشوَّقْت
معانٍ وألفاظٌ كما انْتَظمَ العِقْد

5. So they came like a breeze blowing over the dew of gardens,
Greeted by lilies and roses.

٥. فجاءتْ كما مر النسيم على ندى ال
رياضِ فحَيّا وَفْده الآسُ والوَرْد

6. Their sweetness was fragrant with perfume as if
Vying in its words with musk and honey.

٦. حلاوتُها شِيبَتْ بعطرٍ كأنما
تنافس في ألفاظها المِسْك والشهد

7. The deaf heard it from every mute,
And the blind saw it in the darkness of eternity.

٧. فقد سَمِعتْها الصُّمُّ من كلِّ أَخْرسٍ
وأَبْصَرها في حِنْدِسِ الظُّلَمِ الخُلْد

8. And the mention of you ennobled it, so it took pride,
Had it not been for the sword, the sheath would not have been adorned.

٨. وذكرُك أَعْلَى قَدْرَها فتشرَّفتْ
ولولا الحسامُ العَضْبُ ما حُلِّى الغِمْد

9. The meaning of God's Book ennobled its script,
So its ink, parchment and leather were kissed.

٩. ومعنى كتاب الله شَرَّف صُحْفَه
فقُبِّلَ منها الحبر والطِّرْس والجلد

10. You were given the caliphate that made your enemies age
While its days turned young again.

١٠. تَهنَّ أميرَ المؤمنين خلافةً
تَشيب أَعاديها وأيامُها مُرْد

11. If its best is delayed, that is just the beginning,
And after the flint stone collision, the spark catches flame.

١١. فإنْ يتأخر خيرُها فهْو أولٌ
وبعد توالى الزَّنْد يَضْطرِم الوَقْد

12. People are but like the darkness, and their daybreak
Their leaders, and the sun is the last to appear.

١٢. وما الناسُ إلا كالدُّجَى وصَباحُها
أَئِمَّتها والشمسُ آخرُ ما يبدو

13. When the Victorious Commander is for a nation,
It has no absence or loss.

١٣. إذا الآمر المنصور كان لأُمةٍ
فلا عَدَمٌ يَقِضى عليها ولا فَقْد

14. Whoever lives, his closeness gives him life,
And whoever dies loving him, paradise is his dwelling.

١٤. فمَنْ عاش أَحْياهُ نَداهُ ومن يَمُتْ
على حبه طَوْعا فمسكنُه الخُلْد

15. An imam has appeared to all creation with a brilliance on his forehead,
By which their obscured visions are healed.

١٥. إمامٌ تَبدَّى للوَرىمن جبينه
ضياءٌ به تُشْفَى بَصائرُها الرُّمْد

16. He is the ultimate purpose, he is the goal by which
Success and fortune are sound for the steadfast.

١٦. هو المَفصِد الأقصى هو الغاية التي
بها صَحَّ للمُستمسِك الفوزُ والسعد

17. He is the greatest authority, he is the goal which
The insightful reaches through him the solutions and necklaces.

١٧. هو الحُجَّة العظمى هو الغاية التي
تَأَتَّي به للمبُصِر الحَلُّ والعَقْد

18. The secrets of hearts obeyed him as a religion,
So no man who did not believe in loving him has sanity.

١٨. أَطاعْته أسرارُ القلوبِ ديانةً
فما لامرىءٍ لم يعتقد حُبَّه رُشْد

19. O son of God’s Messenger, this is your time,
You were promised it and now the promise will be fulfilled.

١٩. فيا بْنَ رسولِ الله هذا أَوانُكم
وُعِدتم به والآن يُنْتَجَز الوعد

20. You will take vengeance for Islam which
Through it the damned covenant against it grew old.

٢٠. ستأخذ للإِسلام ثاراته التي
تَقادمَ للكفرِ اللعينِ بها العهد

21. As your swords did in the day of Badr
And plunged into polytheism without hesitation.

٢١. كما فعلتْ في يوم بدرٍ سيوفُكم
وفي الشِّرْك من دُونِ القَليبِ لهاوِرْد

22. You have resolute decisions, so when they set out
To an objective, neither white nor black prevents them.

٢٢. لك العَزَمات النافذات إذا انْبَرتْ
إلى مَقْصِدٍ لم تمنعِ البيضُ والسَّرْد

23. And if your red flags fear,
The angels glorify your victory, the supreme among them soldiers.

٢٣. وإنْ خَفَتْ راياتُك الحمر سّبَّحتْ
لنَصْرِك أَعلاها ملائكةٌ جُنْد

24. Brown sword blades, white swords,
Polished Dhu Al-Faqar and sharpened Lu'lu.

٢٤. وخَطِّيةٌ سُمْر وبيض صَوارمٌ
ومَسْرودةٌ زَغْفٌ ومُقْرَبة جُرْد

25. And a people whose death place is their glory,
When your satisfaction requires it, and to them good living is asceticism.

٢٥. وقوم مَناياهم مُناهم إذا اقتضتْ
رضاك وفي طِيب الحياةِ لهم زُهْد

26. So Damascus smelled from you a lightning that will encompass
The kingdom of Constantine by its torrents.

٢٦. فقد شامَ منك الشامُ بَرْقا سيحتوِي
على مُلْك قُسْطَنْطِينَ من سَيْلِه مَدّ

27. It shook whatever the Franks possessed mightily
So its foundations quaked and sighed.

٢٧. تزلزل ما خلفَ الفرنجِة هيبةً
له فروَاسِيها تَحِزُّ وَتَنْهَدّ

28. And God has a secret in you which its appearance is due,
So the skeptic may be certain and the apostate may return.

٢٨. وللهِ سرٌّ فيك حانَ ظهورُه
ليُوقنَ مرتابٌ ويرجعَ مُرتدّ

29. You covered all creation with justice so aggression ended
Against beasts and birds and tearing lions.

٢٩. غمرتَ جميعَ الخَلْق بالعدل فانتهى
عنِ الوَحْش والطيرِ الكواسِرُ والأُسْدُ

30. And if an audience with you in your carpet was fortunate for them
Every species would have sent a delegation of loyalty.

٣٠. ولو أَسعدتْها من بِساطك خلوةٌ
لَقَبَّله من كل جنسٍ لها وفد

31. And you purified the actions of time and its people
So there is no error in what harms nor intention.

٣١. وهَذبتَ أفعالَ الزمانِ وأهله
فلا خَطَأٌ فيما يَضُرُّ ولا عَمْد

32. Indeed, traces of your determination terrified Sindh
As a warner to whom the crowds and multitudes deluded.

٣٢. لقد غادرتْ آثارُ عزمِك سِنْبِسا
نذيرا لمن قد غَرَّه الجمعُ والحَشْد

33. And when its devil transgressed and that
Affirmed against it an indefensible argument.

٣٣. ولما طغى شيطانُها وتأكدتْ
بذاك عليها حُجَّةٌ ما لها رَد

34. It tore in their hearts passageways
Of hatred, so that hatred cannot reside in them.

٣٤. خَرقَت بأطرافِ القَنا في قلوبها
مَسالكَ حتى ليس يَسْكُنها الحقد

35. So its traces of your sword thanked you in them
With skeletons reciting them, writhing necklaces.

٣٥. فقد شكرتْ آثارَ سيِفك فيهمُ
قَشاعُم تَتْلوها مُحَلْحَلة عِقْد

36. Whoever lives among them by fleeing,
Your sword above him is death wherever he goes.

٣٦. فمَن عاش منهم بالفرارِ فإنما
حُسامُك موتٌ فوقَه حيثُما يَغْدو

37. Indeed, there was in the horizons of your justice a pasture
In which, had they not betrayed, there was for them an easy living.

٣٧. لقد كان في أَفْياء عدلِك مَرْتَعٌ
لهم فيه لو لم يَغْدروا عيشةٌ رَغْد

38. And in justice is the reform of all creation
But the delinquent corrupts among it.

٣٨. وفي العدل إصلاحُ الخليقةِ كلِّها
ولكنْ من بينها يَفْسد الوغد

39. Had a prophetic mercy not saved them
Bequeathed from you to the son from the father.

٣٩. ولو لم تُغِثْهم رحمةٌ نَبوية
تَوارثَها منكم عن الوالدِ الوُلْد

40. Not one person of Sindh would have lived
And had he lived, captivity and chains would have wasted his life.

٤٠. لَما عاش من أحياءِ سِنْبِسَ واحدٌ
ولو عاش أفنى عمَره القيد والقِدّ

41. So if they repeat, the lesson will come itself
To examine it in its burrows, the lion tears the flowers.

٤١. فإنْ عاوَدوا فالعَيْر يأتي بنفسه
ليَفْرِسه في خِيسه الأسد الوَرْد

42. You are the Imam, the Just Ruler by whom
The upright religion is supported and strengthened.

٤٢. لأَنَتَ الإمامُ الآمر العادل الذي
به يُعضَد الدينُ الحَنيف ويَشْتدُّ

43. Binding on the people are four things:
So no person has release or escape from them.

٤٣. له أَرْبَعٌ في الناس نِيطَتْ بأَرْبعٍ
فما لامرىءٍ عنها فكاكٌ ولا بُدّ

44. His obedience is a duty, serving him is piety
Supporting him is religion, and pleasing him is resolve and determination.

٤٤. فطاعتُه فرضٌ وخدمته تُقىً
ونُصرته دِين ومَرْضاته جَد

45. To you belongs the land, by earning and inheritance
And however much property it carried and people it gathered.

٤٥. لك الأرضُ مُلْكٌ باكتسابٍ ومَوْرثٍ
وما حَملتْ مالٌ ومن جَمعتْ عَبدُ

46. Your praise lasts as long as meadows bloom
And were it not for it, neither chamomile nor anemones would emit fragrance.

٤٦. ثناؤك ما تُهدى الرياضُ لناشِقٍ
ولولاه ما فاح الخُزام ولا الرَّنْد

47. And your light lasts as long as the morning appears to the viewer
And were it not for it, people would be lost and goals unattained.

٤٧. ونورك ما يُهدى الصباح لناظرٍ
ولولاه ضلّ الناس وامتنع القصْد

48. Your virtues are the pearls which if
Its necklaces materialized, no polished surface would remain on earth.

٤٨. فضائلك الدُّرّ الذي لو تجسَّمتْ
قلائده لم يبق في الأرض مسْوَدّ

49. Alas! The description cannot fully capture some of it
When it aspires or comprehends a limit.

٤٩. وهَيْهاتَ أنْ يستكمِلَ الوصفُ بعضها
إذا ما تَناهَى أو يحيطَ به حَد

50. How can the sea be measured? Or how can mountains be weighed?
Or can grains of sand be counted and grouped?

٥٠. وكيف يُكالُ البحرُ أم كيف تُوزَن ال
جبالُ وهل تُحْصَى الرمالُ وتَنْعَدّ

51. And it is not strange you have exceeding virtue, but rather
Your life in the world is bliss and your comfort is infancy.

٥١. وغيرُ غريبٍ منك فضلٌ وإنما
حَياتُك دُنْياهُ وراحُتك المَهْد

52. My praise of you will be spent knowing that it
Reaches you at the essence of refined jewelry.

٥٢. سَينفُق مدحى فيك علما بأنه
إليك انتهى في جوهر الحِكَم النَّقْد

53. Ibn Hani has excelled in praise of al-Mu'izz
Guided to it by that honor and glory.

٥٣. أجاد ابنُ هاني في المُعِزِّ مَدائحا
هَداه إليها ذلك الفضلُ والمجد

54. So too my praise of you flowed when I saw what
Al-Qadi's son saw, and the two praises equated, the son to the grandfather.

٥٤. وقد جاد مَدْحِي فيك لما رأيتُ ما
رأى فاسْتَوىَ المدْحَان والإبنُ والجَدّ

55. May you have an Eid that came yearning for a glance
At you, for which sake a year goes by.

٥٥. ليَهْنِكَ عيدٌ جاء شوقاً لنظرةٍ
إليك له من أَجْلِها سنةٌ يَغْدو

56. Informing through it the one whose worth is lofty
Of various merits, none other has fatigue like it.

٥٦. يُفيد بها منك الذي جَلَّ قَدْرُه
فَضائلَ شتى ماله غيرَها وُكْد

57. So he sees a face every light is its rays
And kisses a palm every generosity for it has splendor.

٥٧. فيُبِصر وجهاً كلُّ نورٍ شُعاعُه
ويلثم كفّا كلُّ جودٍ لها زَنْد

58. And the perfection appears to him from you which contained
Innumerable beautiful attributes as if singular.

٥٨. ويبدو له منك الكمالُ الذي حَوَى
مَحاسنَ لا تُحْصَى على أنه فَرْد

59. And he knows that God ennobled His land
By your existence in it, so the bright star took pride.

٥٩. ويَعلم أنّ اللهَ شَرَّف أرضَه
بكَوْنِك فيها فاعْتَلَىَ الكوكبَ الوَهْد

60. Congratulations on the Blessed Eid for you have heard
Greetings for it loudly rustling the coat of mail.

٦٠. هَنيئاً لعيدِ الفِطْر أنّك سامعٌ
تُهنَّى به لفظاً يُصيخ له الصَّلْد

61. It shakes rhymes of pleasure and vigilance from you
As the twigs swayed from the eastern breeze and bowed down.

٦١. تَهُزّ القَوافِي منك رَضْوى وَيَذْبُلا
كما اهتز من ريح الصَّبا القُضُب الملد

62. So you still receive every Eid and season
While your empire remains supported, aided and strong.

٦٢. فلا زلتَ تَلْقَى كلَّ عيدٍ وموسمٍ
ومُلكُك بالتوفيق والسعد مُشتَدّ

63. And you lasted for it coming and going
A remaining that eliminates enviers and extends.

٦٣. ودمتَ لها مستقبِلا ومُشَيِّعا
بَقاءً يُبيد الحاسِدين ويَمْتدّ