
O home where all happiness has settled

يا دار حلت فيك كل سعادة

1. O home where all happiness has settled
For ages on the same system

١. يا دارُ حَلَّت فيك كلُّ سعادةٍ
طولَ الزمانِ على نظامٍ واحدِ

2. And you have contained all joy and sufficed every
Affliction, and towered over all opponents

٢. وَحَويْتِ كل مَسَرَّةٍ وكُفيتِ ك
لَّ مَضَرَّةٍ وعَلَوْتِ كلَّ مُعانِد

3. And at your door good omens for success have become
Apparent, from a determined arrival

٣. وغَدتْ ببابك للنجاح بَشائر
من صادِرٍ يَلْقَى عزيمةَ وارد

4. And the people have competed in praising your inhabitant
Among continuous, unwearied praise

٤. وتَنافستْ في مدِح ساكِنك الوَرى
من بينِ مُثْنٍ لا يَمَلُّ وحامد

5. For he has risen above the stars with the like of it
From the blossoms of deeds and ascending righteousness

٥. فلقد سَما فوقَ النجومِ بمثِلها
مِن زُهْرِ أفعالٍ وجَدٍّ صاعد

6. So if we seek virtue, its abode is
In the hands of Abu Abdullah the leader

٦. فإذا ابتغيْنا الفضلَ كان مَقرُّه
بيدَيْ أبى عبد الإله القائد

7. No king of kings has exalted his merit
In glory except that he is the most knowing critic

٧. لم يُعْلِ شاهِنْشاهُ رتبةَ قَدْرِه
في العز إلا وهْو أَخْبَرُ ناقد

8. God raises his merit in the heights
Forever despite the envious enemy

٨. اللهُ يرفعُ في المعالي قَدْرَه
أَبدا على رغم العدو الحاسد