1. The eyes may judge the hearts - such judgment's fair;
Yet healing them is difficult, most rare.
١. حُكْمُ العيونِ على القلوبِ يَجوزُ
وداؤُها من دائهنّ عَزيزُ
2. What glances, with a fading wink, have gained
Things that no faded, failing glance obtained!
٢. كم نظرةٍ نالتْ بطَرْفٍ ذابلٍ
ما لا يَنال الذابلُ المهزوز
3. Beware the looks of sly, observing eyes,
For wizardry lies hidden 'neath their guise.
٣. فحَذارِ من مَلَقِ اللَّواحِظِ غِرَّةً
فالسحرُ بينَ جُفونها مكنوز
4. Ah, would that I knew why vain hopes go astray!
Fate spins and weaves its web from day to day.
٤. يا ليتَ شِعْري والأماني ضِلَّةٌ
والدهرُ يُدرِك صَرْفُه ويَجوز
5. Might I regain the past, time now gone by,
And win the love that so enraptured I?
٥. هل لي إلى زمنٍ تَصرَّم عهدُه
سببٌ فيرجعَ ما مضى فأَفوز
6. The one I loved from afar comes to my mind -
In my heart's core his memory lies enshrined.
٦. وأَزور من أَلِف البعادَ وحبُّه
بينَ الجوانحِ والحَشَا مركوز
7. A graceful gazelle, in charm he has no peer,
So descriptions of him can but scratch the veneer.
٧. ظبيٌ تناسبَ في الملاحةِ شَخْصُه
فالوصفُ حتى يطول فيه وجيز
8. The radiant sun and moon do not compare;
When true discernment's made, this will be bare.
٨. والبدرُ والشمسُ المنيرة دُونه
في الحسنِ حين يُحرَّر التمييز
9. Except for the slight swell curve of his hips,
I could not say if he was girl or boy.
٩. لولا تَثنِّى خصره في رِدْفه
ما خِلتُ إلا أنه مغروز
10. His delicate form floats graceful as a wisp;
His body's fabric interwoven, crisp.
١٠. تجفو غِلالتُه عليه لطَافًة
فبجسمِه من طَرْزِها تَطْريز
11. If only fate would let us reunite;
Fulfillment was pledged that now seems trite.
١١. من لي بدهرٍ كان لي بوصاله
سَمْحا ووعدى عنده منجوز
12. Life once was verdant, pleasures would arise,
Our faces glowing under azure skies.
١٢. والعيشُ مخضَرُّ الجَنابِ أَنيقه
ولأَوْجُهِ اللذاتِ فيه بُروز
13. The meadows were like carpets, green and flush,
Bestrewn with patterns, red and gold and plush.
١٣. والروضُ في حُلَل النبات كأنما
فُرِشتْ عليه دَيابِجٌ وخُزوز
14. The bay's water raced as if impelled
To run its course; flow by some force propelled.
١٤. والماء يبدو في الخليجِ كأنه
إيْمٌ لسرعِة سيره محفوز
15. The flowers trick the viewer's sight because
Treasure appeared on earth in brightest shows.
١٥. والزهرُ يُوهم ناظِريه كأنما
ظَهرتْ به فوقَ الرياشِ كنوز
16. Their leaves and petals scattered in the rains
Are pearls and gems; bounty sunlight claims.
١٦. فأَقاحُه وَرِقٌ ومَنْثور الندى
دُرٌّ ونَوْرُ بَهارِه إبريز
17. The garden witnessed lovers ply their arts;
Cooing and sighing, sending secret darts.
١٧. والروضُ فيه تغازلٌ وتَمايلٌ
وتشاغُل وتراسُل ولغوز
18. The birds called with varying tone and tune -
Cackles, shrieks, hoots, communicating rune.
١٨. للطيرِ فيها بالغصونِ تَصارُخٌ
وتَصايُحٌ وتفَاصحٌ ورموز
19. The songbirds chorused an ode in parts,
The turtledoves cooed their approval from their hearts.
١٩. وكأنما القُمْرِيُّ يُنشِد مَصْرَعا
من كل بيتٍ والحَمامُ يُجيز
20. As if to say, whenever frogs cried out,
The water-wheel creaked secrets meant for lout.
٢٠. وكأنما الدولابُ يَرْمِزُ كلما
غَنَّت وأصواتُ الضفادِع شِيز
21. "Oh trouble not a songstress;" I implored
One who would careless break her heart; ignored,
٢١. يا رُبَّ غانيةٍ أَضرَّ بقلبها
أنِّى بلفظِة مُعْدِمٍ مَنْبوز
22. I gained no wealth for that was not my aim;
But missed a purpose noble, all the same!
٢٢. فأَجبتُها ما عازَني نيلُ الغِنى
لكنَّ مَطْلبَه الحميدَ يَعُوز
23. I disdained baseness in my search for prize -
My spirit now took to the lofty skies!
٢٣. إني أَعاف الذلَّ فيما أبتِغى
فلِهمَّتِى عن جانبيهِ نُشوز
24. No shame will come to one who benefits
From largesse, honor always benefits.
٢٤. ما خاب من هَضَم التفضُّلُ مالَه
كَرما ووافرُ عرضِه محروز