
If patience and forbearance were his refuge

لو كان بالصبر الجميل ملاذه

1. If patience and forbearance were his refuge
His tears and sorrow would not have flowed

١. لو كان بالصبرِ الجميلِ مَلاذُه
ما سَحَّ وابِلُ دَمْعِه ورَذاذُهُ

2. The army of love still storms his heart
Until his vitals wore out and severed

٢. ما زال جيشُ الحبِّ يَغْزو قلبه
حتى وَهَى فتقطعتْ أَفْلاذه

3. Naught remains in him, save the sigh
That his ribs contain, a hollow sound

٣. لم يَبْقَ فيه مع الغرام بقيةٌ
إلا رَسيس تحتويه جُذاذه

4. He who desires salvation, let him be
Safe from the mischievous and playful eyes

٤. من كان يرغبُ في السلامة فلْيَكُن
أبداً من الحَدَق المِراضِ عياذُه

5. Be not fooled by indifference, for
It is an ailment that hurts your heart when it allures

٥. لا تَغْرُرَنَّك بالفتورِ فإنه
مرضٌ يضرُّ بقلِبك اسْتِلْذاذه

6. Oh you, whose glance is like
An arrow shot straight to the hearts when it desires

٦. يا أيُّها الرَّشَأُ الذي مِنْ لحظِه
سهمٌ إلى حَبِّ القلوب نَفاذه

7. A pearl shining through your mouth from its stringer
Wine stirred by the one who fetched it

٧. دُرٌّ يلوح بِفيكَ من نَظّامُه
خمرٌ يجول عليه مَنْ نَبّاذُه

8. That waist, how could it straighten
And the teeth of that glance, what is their mettle

٨. وقناةُ ذاك القَدِّ كيف تَقوَّمت
وسِنان ذاك اللحظِ ما فُولاذه

9. Gently, lest your body melts, for I
Fear it might dry up and lose its moisture

٩. رِفْقاً بجسمك لا يذوبُ فإنني
أخشى بأنْ يَجْفو عليه لاذُه

10. Harut is helpless against his sorcery
And he is the Imam, who then is his mentor

١٠. هاروتُ يَعْجِز عن مَواقعِ سِحْره
وهو الإمامُ فمن تُرى أستاذه

11. By Allah, your beauty has not fancied
Anyone unless it was hard to retrieve him back

١١. تاللهِ ما علقتْ مَحاسُنك أمرأً
إلا وعزَّ على الورى اسْتِنْقاذه

12. You have invaded with your love in the hearts
So they surrendered, totally dominated

١٢. أَغْزيتَ حبَّك في القلوبِ فأذعنتْ
طَوْعاً وقد أَوْدَى بها اسْتِحواذه

13. Why did I approach fortune from its doors
My efforts failed, so persistent was its refusal

١٣. مالي أتيتُ الحظَّ من أبوابه
جهدي فَدام نفورُه ولواذه

14. Beware the greed of wishes, for rarely
Can the humble get it, while the rich are deprived

١٤. إياكَ من طمعِ المُنَى فعَزيزه
كذَليله وغنيُّه شَحّاذه

15. A lady, Ibn Duraid was infatuated with
A people were ruins when she blossomed in Baghdad

١٥. ذالية ابن دريد استهوى بها
قوماً غداةَ نَبتْ به بغداذه

16. They succumbed to the adornment of his words and scattered
Seeking her, some attained her, some flirted

١٦. دانوا لُزخرفِ قوله فتفرقوا
طمعاً فهم صَرْعاه أو جُذّاذه

17. He who apportioned you your sustenance wherever
It has been, does not harm him to grant it

١٧. من قَدَّر الرزقَ الذي لك أَيْنَما
قد كان ليس يضرُّه إنفاذه