
With the majesty of Your decree, time takes pride,

بجلال قدرك تفخر الأزمان

1. With the majesty of Your decree, time takes pride,
And the most prideful of it is Ramadan.

١. بجلالِ قدرِك تفخر الأزمانُ
وأشدُّ مُفتَخِرٍ به رمضانُ

2. If it could speak, it would say "Make me glad with it,
But a mouth and tongue fail it."

٢. لو كان ينطق قال هَنوني به
لكنْ يُخلُّ به فمٌ ولسان

3. If not for Your swords, neither fasting nor devotion nor Quran would settle for us.
Your blessings have encompassed it, so it is devoid of none of them -

٣. لولا سيوفُك ما استقرَّ لنا به
صومٌ ولا نُسكٌ ولا قرآن

4. Neither a month, nor a human.
It did not arrive until Your bounty arrived above it,

٤. بركاتُك اشتملتْ عليه فما خَلا
منهن لا شهرٌ ولا إنسان

5. So it has a lofty rank because of that.
O King, by whom times and minds and bodies live,

٥. ما حلَّ حتى حل فضُلك فوقَه
فله بذلك في المعالي شان

6. You are the Bountiful - though bounty does not know You,
A bounty too majestic for evidence. Does the proof of

٦. يا أيُّها الملكُ الذي تَحيا به
الأزمانُ والأذهان والأبدان

7. The midday sun need to be sought?
Your attributes were made great in hearing for the absent,

٧. أنتَ الغريبُ الفضلِ معْ ما أنه
لولاك لم يَتعرَّفِ العِرفان

8. But seeing made hearing worthless for those present.
You manifested a beauty in the beautiful craftsmanship,

٨. فضلٌ يَجِلُّ عن الدليلِ وهل على
شمسِ الظَّهيرةِ يُطْلَب البرهان

9. So beauty and benevolence were rendered deficient through it.
Your gifts encompassed all people, as though

٩. عَظُمَتْ صِفاتُك في السماعِ لغائب
ورُؤِيتَ فاحتقرَ السَّماعَ عيانُ

10. Every living being is provided for by the palm of Your generosity.
You commanded, so kings obeyed as if they were

١٠. أبدتْ جمالا في جميل صَنائعٍ
فافترَّ فيها الْحُسنُ والإِحسان

11. The capable limbs, and You the resolute soul.
You forbade, so time was wary in awe,

١١. عَمَّت مَواهُبك الأنام كأنما
من جودِ كفِّك يُرْزَق الحيوان

12. As though You were raging seas, and it, gardens.
You intended, so the celestial sphere was as if

١٢. وأمرتَ فامتثلَ الملوكُ كأَنهم
أعضاء مُقْتدِر وأنت جَبان

13. It followed You, or as if its reins were in Your hands.
You outsped it, so You surpassed it,

١٣. ونهيتَ فارتاع الزمانُ تَهيُّبا
فكأنك الهيجاء وهْو جنان

14. And all existence became a wager for You.
A resolve, most perfect in scope and longest in duration

١٤. وعزمت فالفَلك الأثير كأنما
يتلوك أو بيديك منه عنان

15. In every expansive abode the present moment contains.
Your rule pleased the lands and their people,

١٥. وكأنما سابْقتَه فسَبقْتَه
وجميعُ موجودٍ حَواهُ رِهان

16. As though it was a mother, and they, brethren.
You concealed the vastness of enmity - their graves

١٦. عَزْمٌ أَتمُّ مَدىً وأطولُ مدةٍ
في كل شاسعةٍ نَواها الآنُ

17. Became their homelands, and their shrouds, their garments.
And fear migrated, while Your sword gives drink,

١٧. راضتْ سياستُك البلادَ وأهلَها
فكأنها أُمٌّ وهم إخوان

18. Each of them solitary, and all of them thirsty.
O refuge of the generous, Your palm sufficed, it filled

١٨. وأَخفْتَ شاسعةَ العِدَا فقبورُهم
أوطانهم وثيابهم أكفان

19. The sea of bliss, so betrayals became insignificant.
Behold, the palm of the King of Kings overflows with dew

١٩. والخوفُ هاجِرةٌ وسيفُك مَورِدٌ
فَرْدٌ وكلٌّ منهمُ ظمآن

20. Generously, and I reckon it to be the flood.
Do not hoard for tomorrow, for its bestowal

٢٠. يا مُجْتَدى الكرماءِ حَسْبُك قد طَما
بحرُ النوالِ فهانتِ الغُدران

21. Will forever accompany every precious gift.
Your continuous generosity, throughout time, upon mankind

٢١. ها كفُّ شاهِنْشاهَ تَزْخَرُ بالندى
غدِقا وظَنِّى أنه الطوفان

22. Is flying. No place has been specified for them.
So it is as though, in every land, they are its thankfulness,

٢٢. لا تَدَّخِرَّ لغدٍ فإنَّ نواله
أبداً بكلِّ نَفيسةٍ يَهْتان

23. And for every language, its addict.
Breaths repeat, while it remains before them

٢٣. دِيَمٌ تجود مدى الزمانِ على الورى
طُرّا فلم يُخْصَص بهن مكان

24. Forever - its range is a field for it.
Farfetched! No praiser adorns Your attribute,

٢٤. فكأنها في كل أرضٍ شكرُها
ولكلِّ ذي لغةٍ به إدمان

25. Rather, his praises are made graceful through it.
From You we derive what we say, yet

٢٥. تتكرر الأنفاسُ وهْو أمامها
أبدا فمَجْراها له ميدان

26. Your attributes only increase in weight.
You have, in the hidden sublimities, an alert conscience

٢٦. هيهاتَ ليس يَزينُ وصفَك مادحٌ
لكنْ مَدائحُه به تَزْدان

27. No matter how heavy eyelids become with sleep.
And an intuition, sound in judgment,

٢٧. منك استفدْنا ما نقول وإنما
تزداد في أوصافك الأوزان

28. That will suffice when endowed to Luqman.
Sword and pen have pride whenever

٢٨. لك في خفيّاتِ المَعالي خاطرٌ
يقظان مهما نامتِ الأجفان

29. Your palm and fingers touch them.
Death and hopes set out from them -

٢٩. وبديهةٌ في صائبِ الرأي الذي
يُغنِي إذا أُرْوِى به لُقْمان

30. One, a breath; the other, teeth.
O You who is too transcendent to be compared to ones passed,

٣٠. للسيفِ والقلمِ افتخارٌ كلما
لَمستْها لك راحةٌ وبَنان

31. Where are the non-Arabs to You? And the Arabians?
Who is more clear-sighted than Hatem? More eloquent than Antar?

٣١. تغدو المنايا والآماني منهما
تجرى فذي نفْسٌ وتلك سِنان

32. Stronger than Qays? More defiant than Sahban?
Than Aristotle? Than Alexander? Than Caesar?

٣٢. يامن تَنزَّهَ أنْ يُقاسَ بمن مَضَى
أين الأعاجم منك والعربان

33. Or Anushirwan?
Farfetched! A portion of Your perfection falls short

٣٣. مَن أَحْنَفٌ من حاتم من يَعْرُب
من عنتر من قُسُّ من سَحْبان

34. Of encompassing it - either human or jinn.
O oasis of bounty, in whose shade

٣٤. من أَرْسَطاطاليسُ من إسكندر
من قيصر أم من أنوشِرْوان

35. Mankind have safety from the tyranny of time.
Your origin in generosity is well-rooted and implanted,

٣٥. هيهاتَ جزءٌ من كمالك عاجزٌ
عنه الخليفةُ إنْسُها والجان

36. And peaks of splendor have flourished for You on high.
The clouds of every virtue watered Your goodness,

٣٦. يا دوحةَ الفضلِ التي في ظِلَّها
للخَلْقِ من جَوْرِ الزمانِ أمان

37. And the meadow of Your bestowal rose above it, quenched.
Hopes and wishes became, because of You,

٣٧. قد طاب أصُلك في المَكارمِ مَغْرِسا
وتَفنَّنتْ لك في العُلى أَفْنان

38. Mere play and jest, and left You in loftiness.
Hopes compete in You, so no delight came

٣٨. وروى ثَراك سحابُ كلِّ فضيلةٍ
وعلاهُ روضُ نوالِك الرَّيان

39. That did not bring joy, nor left, bringing sorrow.
Like the joy of the fasting month when it meets You,

٣٩. وغَدتْ لك الآمالُ وهْي من الطَّوى
هَزْلَى وراحت عنك وهْي سِمان

40. And sorrow that bids farewell with Sha'ban.
So You remained, for however long time continues, felicitated -

٤٠. تتنافس الآمالُ فيك فما أَتَى
فَرِحٌ وما فارقتَه أَسْيان

41. Through Your hands, safety and faith grow stronger.

٤١. كسرورِ شهرِ الصومِ إذ قابلتَه
وتأسُّفٌ وَلَّى به شعبان

٤٢. فبقيتَ ما بقي الزمان مُهنَّأً
بيديك يَقْوَى الأمنُ والإيمان