
Drinking the wine of understanding is hard, so do not

شربك حب الفهم صعب فلا

1. Drinking the wine of understanding is hard, so do not
Be misled into thinking you should drink it.

١. شُرْبُك حبَّ الفهمِ صعبٌ فلا
يَغرُّك ألأمرُ بأنْ تَشْرَبَهْ

2. But forgetfulness too has its loved ones, and for some
Experience has shown it can be good.

٢. لكنَّ للنسيانِ حُبّا وقد
صح لبعض الناس بالتجربْه

3. Its meaning, as Abu Amir explains it,
Should not escape you - be sure to write it down.

٣. وشَرْحُه عند أبي عامر
فلا يَفوتَنَّك أنْ تكتبه

4. Grasping it will save you from doubting its truth
Despite the witness who declared it a lie.

٤. ففَهْمُهُ يُنْبِيك عن صِدْقه
بشاهدٍ كَذَّب مَنْ كَذَّبه

5. If by forgetfulness the highest could be attained,
It would rightly occupy the highest rank.

٥. لو كان بالنسيانِ يُحْوَى العُلا
صَحَّ له أَرفعُها مَرْتبه