
My yearning burns to tell him of a love

يجل اشتياقي أن أقول له وصفا

1. My yearning burns to tell him of a love
That ravaged my heart and brought no healing balm

١. يجِلُّ اشتياقِي أنْ أقولَ له وَصْفا
فحَسْبِيَ ما مَضَّ الفؤادَ وما شَفَّا

2. I cry again and again for your far absence
Yet what avails my constant cry and sighing?

٢. أُكرِّر وَالَهْفا لبُعْدِك دائبا
وهل نافِعي قولي لبعدك والهفا

3. At evening whom have I but flowing tears?
Tears from the eyes bring solace to the hopeless heart

٣. عشيةَ ما لي غيرَ دمعي وسيلةٌ
تُفيد ودمعُ العين أَشْفَى لمن أَشْفَى

4. No bird whose wings time clipped in evil hour
Robs of his mate and wonted nesting-place

٤. وما طائرٌ قَصَّ الزمانُ جناحَه
وأَعْدَمَه وَكْرا وأَفْقَده إِلْفا

5. But mourns among the boughs his bitter fate
With saddest plaining notes and murmurings faint

٥. تذكر زُغْبا بين افنانِ بانةٍ
خَوافِى الخَوافِى ما يَطرْنَ بها ضَعْفا

6. Remember Zughba 'mid sweet Bowers of Ban
What time misfortunes on her fainting fell

٦. بأَشْوَقَ مني يوم شَطّتْ بك النَّوى
هوائيةً مائية تَسْبِق الطَّرْفا

7. She turned away, of thee still treasuring still
Had all her store been weighed 'gainst what she bore,

٧. تولتْ وفيها منك ما لو أَقيسُه
بما هي فيه كان نائِلُه أَوْفَى