1. O you who seek wealth and treasure
And alchemy without symbol
١. يا راغبا في غِنىً وكَنْزِ
وكيمياءٍ بغيرِ رَمْزِ
2. You have come upon an expert, so listen
To my advice without being provoked
٢. وقعتَ عندَ الخبير فاسمعْ
نصيحتي غيرَ مستفَز
3. Contentment in a person is alchemy
That brings health, treasure and what treasure!
٣. قناعةُ المرءِ كيمياءٌ
صَحَّتْ وكنزٌ وأيُّ كنز
4. So be happy with it as gain and spend
From it what you wish without stinginess
٤. فاسعَدْ بها مكسبا وأَنفِقْ
ما شئتَ منها بلا تَجزِّى
5. For people throughout time have been
Without doubt in negligence and inability about it
٥. فالناسُ طولَ الزمان عنها
لا شكَّ في غفلةٍ وعَجْز