1. The lands are fragrant with the incense of your praise,
And the poems are adorned with your eulogy.
١. عَبِقت بطيبِ ثَنائِك الأَقْطارُ
وتَجمَّلتْ بَمديحِك الأَشْعارُ
2. You are greatly lauded in speech, so since
News of you appeared to the eye, other news is insignificant.
٢. وعَظُمتَ وصْفا في السَّماعِ فمُذْ بَدا
للعينِ خُبْرُك هانتِ الأخبار
3. Some eulogies have fallen short of describing you completely,
Incapacitated due to being too brief, though they try.
٣. فات المدائحَ بعضُ وصفِك كلّها
عَجْزا عن التقصيرِ وهْي قِصار
4. The generosity of your benevolence has watered the lands, so they became sated,
And the flowers have become aromatic with your praise.
٤. وسقى البلادَ سَخاءُ جودِك فارتوتْ
وتَأرَّجتْ بثنائِك الأزهار
5. It is as if the world is a bride being adorned,
And your abundant gifts are scattered about her.
٥. فكأنما الدنيا عروس تُجْتَلى
ولها مَواهبُك الغِزار نِثار
6. Your approval is justice and your deed is mercy,
Your way is destructive and your resolve is fire.
٦. فرِضاك عَدْلٌ واصْطِناعك رحمةٌ
وسُطاك مَهْلكةٌ وعزمُك نار
7. The earth is a kingdom, time and its people
Are servants, and some of your armies are fate.
٧. والأرضُ مُلْكٌ والزمانُ وأهلُه
خَدَمٌ وبعضُ جيوشِك الأَقْدار
8. None is called King of Kings except that he
Surpasses the meaning of the word in splendor.
٨. ما قيل شاهِنشاهُ إلا كان ل
لأكِ من معنى الكلام فَخار
9. O possessor of the world whose justice
In every land has a great victorious army.
٩. يا مالكَ الدنيا الذي من عَدْلِه
في كل أرض عسكرٌ جَرّار
10. O giver of the blessings, for whose attainment
In every place there is a yearning soul.
١٠. ومُقسِّمَ النِّعَم التي لِنوالِها
في كل موضعِ شعرةٍ بَتّار
11. O withholder from the generous, your benevolence
Is easier, as if their good deeds are burdens.
١١. ومُبخِّلَ الكرماءِ أَيْسَرُ جودِه
فكأنما حَسناتُهم أوزار
12. Perfection denied existence, so when
Your merit appeared to people, denial was rejected.
١٢. جُحِد الكمالُ من الوجود فمُذْ بَدا
للناسِ فضُلك أُنْكِر الإنكار
13. If this creation's origin of existence
Is clay, then your origin is essence and freshness.
١٣. إن كان هذا الخَلْقُ أصلُ وجودِه
طينٌ فأَصُلك جَوْهرٌ ونُضار
14. No doubt, when your origin was good in the heights
And glory, these fruits became good.
١٤. لا شكَّ لما طابَ أصُلك في العُلا
والمجدِ طابتْ هذه الأثمار
15. An offspring with roots nurtured by your armies is superior,
For in him are the symbols of the two excellences.
١٥. ثَمَرٌ جيوشيُّ المَغارِسِ أَفْضَل
ىُّ الفرع للفَضْلَيْن فيه شِعار
16. Like Al-Murtada, the sun of glory, the one
God has granted all he wishes.
١٦. كالمرتضى شمس المعالي مَنْ حَبا
كَ اللهُ منه بكلِّ ما تختار
17. You have adorned the face of the earth with beauties through him,
Through your might, it gained lights from him.
١٧. فكسوتَ وجه الأرضِ منه محاسنا
فلِعزِّك الدنيا به أنوار
18. He came with what discernment necessitated his action,
So opinions competed in his merit.
١٨. فأَتى بما اقتضتِ الفِراسة فِعْلَه
فتَنافستْ في فضِله الأفكار
19. You made him a neighbor in an abode to abode, so they became
Majestic through his magnificence in every heart and home.
١٩. جاورْتَه داراً لدارٍ فاغتدَتْ
لجلالِه في كلِّ قلب دار
20. You made merits of him manifest to the people,
So the minds of the people of earth are baffled by him.
٢٠. وجَلونَ منه على الأَنامِ فَضائلا
فعُقول أهلِ الأرضِ فيه تَحار
21. You showed him to the people at his peak of perfection,
A merit which produced that contest.
٢١. أظهرتَه للناس عند كَمالِه
فَضْلا فأنجَبَ ذلك المضمار
22. He recited your noble qualities to the Most High
With dedication, so he is the leading guide.
٢٢. فتَلا مَحاسنَك الشريفة للعُلى
بالجِدِّ فهْو السابق السَّيّار
23. You paired him with the sun - the act of the wise -
Indeed, suns take moons as husbands.
٢٣. وقَرنْتَه بالشمسِ فِعْلَ مُجرِّب
إنّ الشموس بُعولُها الأقمار
24. Mankind is at a wedding whose joy
Endures forever, as if night in it is day.
٢٤. فالخَلْق في عرسٍ يدوم سرورُه
أَبدا كأنّ الليل فيه نهار
25. No land was exclusive of him over another,
Egypt and the lands are equal through him.
٢٥. لم تَنفرِدْ مصرٌ به عن غيرِها
سِيّانِ مصرٌ فيه والأَمْصار
26. Al-Muqattam almost tilted in elation
Had he not been given dignity from you.
٢٦. كاد المُقطّمُ أنْ يَميدَ مَسرَّةً
لو لم يُصِبْه من لَدُنْك وَقار
27. Your generosity flooded the land before him,
And this wedding is an additional sea.
٢٧. غَمرتْ مَكارُمك البريةَ قبلَه
وانْضاف هذا العرس فهْي بِحار
28. Your gifts in it spent every precious thing
Until it was certain for the fresh that there are heavy clouds.
٢٨. بَذلتْ هِباتُك فيه كلَّ نفيسةٍ
حتى تأكد للنُّضار بَوار
29. May God perpetuate his life through your continuance
As long as there is orbit for the eternal celestial sphere,
٢٩. اللهُ يبِقى في بقائك عُمْرَه
ما دام للفَلك الأَثير مَدار
30. Until your children extend your kingdom like him
And the righteous sons extend it.
٣٠. حتى يشدَّ بَنوك ملكَك مثله
ويشدَّه أبناؤه الأبرار
31. God, make us your ransom, for were it not for you
Our lives would not be pleasant.
٣١. واللهُ يجعلنا فداءَك إنّه
لولاك ما طابت لنا الأعمار