1. A bird startled me out of a slumber
In which the phantom had come knocking
١. وصادحٍ في ذُرَى الأغصانِ نَبهَّني
من غَفْوةٍ كان فيها الطَّيْفُ قد طَرَقا
2. So between our meeting and parting
Was like a smile of lightning flirting with the horizon
٢. فكان بين تَلاقينا وفُرْقَتنا
كما تَبسَّم برق غازَلَ الأُفُقا
3. I said, you sing only in the hands of a vintner
Who makes the tavern flow into you, intoxicated
٣. فقلتُ لاصِحْتَ إلا في يَدَىْ قَرِمٍ
غَرْثان يُورِد فيكَ المُدْيَة العَلَقْا
4. And I got up to snatch the nests away in anger
Of me, and seize the branches and the leaves
٤. وقمتُ أنتزِع الأوكار من حَنقٍ
مني وأستلبُ الأغصانَ والورقا
5. If one had longed like I do, I'd empathize
But he disguised the claim and didn't prove honest
٥. لو ناح للشوقِ مثلي كنتُ أَعذِره
لكنّه مَوَّه الدعوى وما صَدَقا
6. My pact with him was safe from him drawing near
Cheerful above my branch, conspicuously perching
٦. عَهْدِى به في أمانٍ منه مقترِبا
مُطَرِّبا فوق غُصْنَىْ بانةٍ سَمَقا
7. If not for nights we had at the tavern past
I'd repeat my sighs in it, so it caught fire
٧. لولا ليالٍ لنا بالبانِ سالفةٌ
كررتُ من زَفراتي فيه فاحترقا