1. I associated with the girls of time until they made me see
Wondrous things beyond counting
١. صحبتُ بناتِ الدهرِ حتى أَرَيْنَنى
عجائبَ شتى ليس يَحصُرها العَدُّ
2. So their bounty was misery and their joy was sorrow
And their health was sickness and their giving was refusal
٢. فنعمتُها بؤس وفَرْحَتها أسًى
وصِحتُها سقم وإعطاؤها ردّ
3. The ignorant gains wisdom from a brother yet quiet
While the wise without strength are laden with toil
٣. تفيد أخا الجهل الغِنى وهْو وادِع
وذو الفهم دونَ القوتُ يتْحِفُه الكَدّ
4. I have an ambition that seeks the stars and a state
That twists what I seek so it's adverse to me
٤. ولى همةٌ تبِغى النجوم وحالةٌ
تُصحِّفُ ما تَبْغيه فهْي لها ضِد
5. If that raises me this debases me
Each reaching an extreme in its will
٥. إذا رفعتْني تلك تَخْفِض هذه
فكلٌّ تَناهَى في إرادته الجِد
6. What's the state of one between falling and rising
With no escape from either of the two
٦. فما حالُ شخصٍ بين هاوٍ وصاعدٍ
وليس له من واحدِ منهما بُدّ
7. Misfortunes kept striking me until it was as if
My heart was the cheek for every blow
٧. تَوالتنىَ الأرزاءُ حتى كأنما
فؤادى لكَفَّيْ كلِّ لاطمةٍ خد