1. O sailor in the night as dark as jet,
Be gentle, for my patience is patient yet.
١. يا لاحِ في سُمْرٍ كالسُّمْرِ
مهلا فإن صبري كالصَّبْرِ
2. You have not closed your eyelids, fraught with pain,
Since you made my eyelids ache in vain,
٢. لم تُغْمِض مذ جَفاني
3. And my tears pour down like sudden rain,
In sudden rain.
٣. وصار دمعي شاني
في شاني
4. And love has brought me bane,
Brought me bane!
٤. والحب مذ بلاني
5. O friend, my secrets and my bond lie bare,
Excuse me, but my plea is my despair.
٥. يا صاح كم أَسْرِي معْ أسرِي
اعذِرْ فوجه عُذْري معْ عذري
6. I wish you well,
Not ill.
٦. أود لك خفضا
لا خفضا
7. See, I'm appeased and healed,
If you are healed.
٧. ها قد رجعت أرضى
كي ترضى
8. My guilt perhaps will thus be stilled,
Be stilled.
٨. ديني لعلّ يُقْضَى
أن يُقْضَى
9. Why don't you seize your wage, so hard to gain?
And know my estrangement's like estrangement's pain.
٩. هلا اغتنمت أجرى كم أجرِي
واعلم بأن هجري كالهجر
10. Would he who brought me low
Uplift me now,
١٠. يا ليت من بَراني
11. Or he who wrought me woe
Make peace! My wine is life itself to me.
١١. أوليت من عَداني
12. My lips are castle keeps that shelter me.
Look on my state defiled!
١٢. من ريقه الجاني
13. My state!
I'm captive to your guile,
١٣. مخامر لخمري كالخمر
محصن بثغر كالثغر
14. Your guile.
So hear my tale, beguiled
١٤. انظر لسوء حالي
يا حال
15. And pale.
Now the poetry calls,
١٥. ملكتني بخالي
يا خال
16. It calls!
A poem decked in flowers like flowers bright,
١٦. ها فاسمع مقالي
يا قال
17. Musk-scented, blooming in the blackest night.
١٧. قد دق عليك مالشَّعر
موشح بزهر كالزهر