1. May God bless you, O son of His Messenger,
And guide the people through your obedience, to His path.
١. صلى الإلهُ عليك يا بْنَ رسولِهِ
وهَدى لطاعِتك الوَرَى لسبيلِهِ
2. Through you, truth has been established and guidance made clear,
And the path has been shown to both mankind and jinn.
٢. فبِكَ استقرَّ الحقُّ واتضح الهدى
وأبان للثَّقَلين وجهُ دليلِهِ
3. O son of the Imams, from the honorable Hashems,
Whose branches and roots are noble and lofty.
٣. يا بنَ الأئمةِ من ذؤابةِ هاشمٍ
شَرَفٌ سَما بفروعه وأصوله
4. Vanquisher of the Romans with the victory,
Of which the verses in the Bible speak.
٤. ومبيد مُلْكِ الرومِ بالنصرِ الذي
نَطَقَت به الآياتُ من إنجليه
5. Damascus has been illuminated by it with the greatest of flashes,
That will erase some of the Franks with its torrents.
٥. قد شام منه الشامُ أعظمَ بارِقٍ
يمحو الفِرِنْجَة منه بعضُ سيوله
6. Prepare for a day like Badr, if your father had that,
Then that belongs to his offspring.
٦. بادرْ بيومٍ مثلِ بدرٍ إنْ يكن
لأبيك ذاك فإن ذا لسليله
7. Their time has come and is nearing,
Its nearness almost makes us hear their wailing.
٧. قد حان حَيْنُهمُ وكاد لقربه
منهم يُسمِّعُنا صياحَ عَويله
8. God has an army like yours, glorious,
So victory constantly accompanies it.
٨. للهِ جيشٌ مثلُ جيشك مُعْلَم
فالنصرُ يرحل دائبا برحيله
9. If not for the clamor, a scout would almost hear
The angels' voices in it, glorifying.
٩. لولا الضجيجُ لكادَ يسمع ناصِتٌ
صوتَ المَلائكِ فيه من تهليله
10. And the neighing of the steeds, with every part swimming
Yearning for this great victory, sublime is its neighing.
١٠. وأجْرِ الجياد فكلُّ طِرْفٍ سابح
شوقا لهذا النصر جَلّ صهيلُه
11. And the drawing of the swords, so every sharpened one
Is for the necks of the disbelievers, overflowing their pools.
١١. وشِمِ السيوفَ إذاً فكلُّ مُهنَّدٍ
لرقابِ أهلِ الكفر فَرْطُ نُحوله
12. So let the Franks beware, for there is a lion
Who has sent the brave warriors against them from his den.
١٢. فليَثْبُتِ الإفرنجُ منه لقَسْوَرٍ
بعث الحُتوف إليهمُ من غِيله
13. Their wealth, women, and blood,
Are nothing but a trust in the hand of its keeper.
١٣. ما مالهم وحريمهمُ ودماؤهم
إلا وَديعته بكفِّ وكيله
14. The land is filled with its horsemen like a sea,
And the sea is filled with its fleet like land.
١٤. فالبَرُّ مثلُ البحرِ من فرسانه
والبحر مثل البر من أسطوله
15. A gathering, above whose spears the birds spend the night,
Unable to find a place to rest for their abundance.
١٥. جَمْعٌ يَبيت الطيرُ فوق رماحِه
عُدْما لكثرته مكانَ مَقيله
16. The earth whose entirety it fills has been straitened by it,
Almost bursting it with its tremors.
١٦. ضاقتْ به الكرةُ التي هو مِلْؤُها
حتى يكادَ يشقُّها برَعيله
17. O highest of caliphs by rank, O Imam
Of truth, the sincere call is in your words.
١٧. يا أرفعَ الخلفاء قَدْرا يا إما
مَ الحقِّ دعوةُ صادقٍ في قِيله
18. That which you have qualified us for praising
And raised its rank in kingship after its decline.
١٨. إن الذي أَهَّلْتَنا لمَديحه
ورفعتَه في المُلْك بعد نزوله
19. And spread the status of its mention among both creations
After their indolence, so mouths flow in praise of it.
١٩. وأَشعْتَ في الثَّقَليْن موقعَ ذكرِه
فجرتْ به الأفواهُ بعدَ خموله
20. You are the intended in every ode composed
With meanings in veneration of it.
٢٠. أنت المُرادُ بقَصْدِ كلِّ قصيدةٍ
بُنِيَت على الأفهام في تَبْجيله
21. Like the prostration of the angels of heaven to Adam
And their prostration to God in its interpretation.
٢١. كسجودِ أَملاكِ السماءِ لآدمٍ
وسجودُها لله في تأويله
22. You have bestowed blessings upon it, magnifying its prestige
With utmost glory, which it reciprocated with abundant generosity.
٢٢. أَولَيته نِعَما تعَاظمَ قَدْرُها
شَرَفا فقابَلَها بفَرْطِ غُلوله
23. It obtained the Pleiades, so its fortune
Under the ground is the ultimate seeking of the ambitious.
٢٣. نال الثريا في ذَراكَ فحظُّه
تحتَ الثرى الأقصى طِلابُ فُضوله
24. And you have made it like the sun among the creations
And its actions decide the nearing of its setting.
٢٤. وجعلتَه كالشمسِ ما بينَ الورى
وفِعالُه تَقضِي بوَشْكِ أُفوله
25. So it was deceived by the opinion that destroyed it
And surrendered it to its shackles and regression.
٢٥. فاغترَّ بالرأيِ الذي أَوْدَى به
وأَصارَه لقُيوده وكبوله
26. The hopes of ambitions deceive the prohibited
And return the knowledgeable man of its time to ignorance.
٢٦. ومَطامع الآمالِ تخدع ذا النُّهى
وتُعيد عالمَ عصرِه كجِهوله
27. For God supports whoever obeys you sincerely
And destroys him in disgrace at his regression.
٢٧. فاللهُ ناصرُ من أطاعَك صادقا
ومُبيدُه بالذلِّ عند نُكوله
28. You have been just, and have nearly taken
Revenge from Cain for Abel by your hand.
٢٨. فلقد عدلتَ فكِدْتَ تأخذُ رغبةً
بالثأرِ من هابيلَ في قابيِله
29. And you have granted generosity until your munificence engulfs
The world and all in it with some of its overflow.
٢٩. ووهبتَ حتى إنّ جودَك يغمر ال
دنيا ومن فيها ببعض هُموله
30. And you have been forbearing until your pardon precedes
The sinner in purposes from its delay.
٣٠. وحَلُمت حتى إنَّ عفوك يسبق ال
جاني إلى الغايات من تأميله
31. And you have been steadfast with the injustice of time, so it has not
A diversion the free man fears its transfer.
٣١. وأَجرتَ من جَورِ الزمانِ فما لَه
صَرْفٌ يخافُ الْحُرُّ من تَنْقيله
32. The limits of praising you cannot be attained, and attaining it
Is the frustration of the concise and the incapacity of the prolonged.
٣٢. غاياتُ مدحِك لا تُنال ونَيْلُها
إفحامُ مُوجزِه وعجزُ مُطيله
33. Like the sea, the limits of the possessor of guidance
Have never been attained, composed or measured.
٣٣. كالبحرِ لم تبلغ نهايةُ ذي نُهّى
أبداً إلى مَوزونه ومَكيله
34. What can the praisers say, and the Quran has appeared
In its revelation with your praise?
٣٤. ماذا يقول المادحون وقد بدا
بمديحِك القرآنُ في تنزيله
35. You are the one God has sent us, in whom
Its forefathers have been personified by its arrival.
٣٥. أنت الذي بَعث الإلهُ لنا به
آباءَه فتَمثَّلوا بمُثوله
36. The Hejaz has wished, craving,
If only it would visit with its customs and habits.
٣٦. حتى لقد ودَّ الحجازُ تشوقا
لو زاره برسُومه وطُلوله
37. To see your face, which it saw truly in them
In times past, with its beauty and grace.
٣٧. فيرى لوجهك ما رأى من حَقِّهم
فيما مضى بجماله وجميله
38. And so the Sacred House can grab hold of its chamber
And station, and its rubble with its walls.
٣٨. ولِيُمْسِك البيتُ الحرامُ وحِجْرُه
ومقامُه وحَطيمُه بذُيوله
39. And the Black Stone and its surroundings
Would hasten, if not to touch it or kiss it.
٣٩. ويُبادِرَ الْحَجرُ العظيمُ ومالَه
غيرُ استلامِ يديه أو تقبيله
40. And Mecca and Taibah would say at that time:
This is the son of Haydar, Al-Ridha and Batoul.
٤٠. وتقول مكةُ عند ذاك وطَيْبَةٌ
هذا ابنُ حَيْدرةَ الرِّضاَ وبَتوله
41. This is the light of God and the meaning
Over which scholars differ in its interpretation.
٤١. هذا ضياءُ اللهِ والمعنى الذي
تتَفاضلُ العلماءُ في تعليله
42. This is the son of whom his God has brought him near
Like the bow's length of two bows in its similitude.
٤٢. هذا ابنُ مَنْ أَدْناهُ منه إلهُه
كالقابِ من قَوْسَيْن في تمثيله
43. This is the son of whom the forearm spoke to his grandfather
When the disbelievers poisoned his food.
٤٣. هذا ابن من نطق الذراعُ لجَدِّه
إذْ سَمَّه الكفار في مأكوله
44. The one in whom the jinn of the lands believed
When it heard the words of God in its revelation.
٤٤. من آمنتْ جِنُّ البلاد به وقد
سمعتْ كلامَ اللهِ في تنزيله
45. He continued to transfer it purified
From the loins of sacrifices like Ishmael and Khalil.
٤٥. ما زال يَنْقُله الإله مُطهَّرا
عن ظهرِ مثلِ ذَبيحه وخَليله
46. The prophets and the master caliphs inherited him
Until the time of its arrival came.
٤٦. وتَوارثتْه الأنبياءُ وسادةُ ال
خلفاءِ حتى حانَ وقتُ حُلوله
47. By his birth and the prime of his face,
It honored the best of its time and generation.
٤٧. قَسما بمولِده وغُرَّةِ وجهِه
شَرَفا أَناف لعصِره ولجِيله
48. This is the disgracer of polytheism with the determination that
None shall be its captive or killed but its enemy.
٤٨. هذا مُذِلُّ الشِّرْكِ بالعَزْم الذي
ما فيه غيرُ أسيره وقتيله
49. Your gifts have made the land of Egypt needless of the Nile
In generosity, and its Nile needless of its flooding.
٤٩. أَغنتْ هِباتُك قُطْرَ مِصْر عن الْحَيا
جُودا وأغنى نَيْلُها عن نِيله
50. Bashfulness has covered the snake until it recoiled
From it, and the Nile continues in its winding.
٥٠. مَدَّ الحياءَ على الْحَيا حتى انثَنى
عنها ودام النيلُ في تَطْفيله
51. It wants to emulate you in dew,
And the least of your hands' generosity is like its deluge.
٥١. ولقد يُريد تَشَبُّها بك في الندى
وأقلُّ جودِ يديك مثلُ جَليله
52. Your cloud is lasting, then sweeter in place
Than it, so it does not cease in its humiliation.
٥٢. ونَداك أَدْوم ثم أحلى موقعا
منه فما ينفكُّ عن تخجيله
53. If reverence for its proximity were not regarded,
You would see it flooding in your great arrival.
٥٣. لو لم يُراعِ له قريبَ جوارِهِ
لرَواه سَيْبُك في عظيم نزوله
54. A generosity that overflows to the near and the distant,
So creation is between its flood and its rain.
٥٤. جودٌ يَفيض لمن دَنا ولمن نَأى
فالْخَلقُ بين هُموله وشُموله
55. O seeker of religion and life together,
Wanting both with his honor and resolution.
٥٥. يا طالبا للدين والدنيا معا
يَبْغيهما بوَجيفه وذَميله
56. Egypt's door of God's bounties within it, the questioner
Of grace has been fortunate by its entrance.
٥٦. مِصراً فبابُ اللهِ فيها سائلُ ال
أفضالِ قد سعد الوَرى بدخوله
57. Al-Mansour the commander, and the mountain upon which
The kings of earth stood beneath its plains.
٥٧. الآمرُ المنصورُ والجبلُ الذي
قامتْ ملوكُ الأرضِ تحتَ سهوله
58. It is one, and people are amazed, some of it
None reproached among the creations but its equal.
٥٨. هو واحدٌ والناسُ طُرّا بعضُه
ما عازَه في الخلق غيرُ عَديله
59. O gem of truth radiating the creations,
So its evidence guides to its meaning.
٥٩. يا غرَّةَ الحقِّ المُنيرةَ للورى
فدليلُها بادٍ على مدلوله
60. This is a position I have constantly striven
To attain, and put great effort into achieving.
٦٠. هذا مقام كنت أَجْهَد دائِبا
في نَيْله وأَجِدُّ في تحصيله
61. Until I stood reciting before your hand,
That which you know best, O listening one, of my words.
٦١. حتى وقفتُ أمامَ دَسْتِك مُنشِدا
ما أنت أعلمُ سامعٍ بمقَولة
62. So I will pride myself with it, to spite my enviers
Until they die of rage and agony.
٦٢. فلأَفْخَرَنَّ به لأكِمد حاسدي
حتى يموتَ بغيظه وغَليله
63. Delight in this feast, for it is gladdened
In your presence by its nearness and arrival.
٦٣. فتَهنَّ هذا العيدَ فهْو مُهَنَّأٌ
فيما لديك بقُربِه ووُصوله
64. It came fulfilling, and so attained pride from you quickly,
The time triumphed by it over Ishmael.
٦٤. وافَى فأَدركَ منك فخرا عاجلا
ظَفِر الزمانُ به مِنِ اسْماعيله
65. You have ennobled us and our time, so we are all
Distinguished in its type and tribe.
٦٥. شَرَّفتَنا وزمانَنا فجميعُنا
مُتميِّز في جنسه وقَبيله
66. So be safe and live long, initiating
A lifetime like the sweetness of your hand's dew and duration.
٦٦. فاسلمْ ودُمْ والْقَ السنين بمُبْتدا
عُمرٍ كطيبِ نَدى يَدَيْك وطوله