1. Ask the horses, the night patrols, the raids,
And their horsemen, the white and the bay,
١. سلِ الخيلَ والسُّمْرَ الذَّوابِل والوَغَى
فرسانها والبِيض والبَيْضَ والزَّغْفا
2. About generous gifts, crafts, and nobility,
About pleasant praise, prose, verse, and books,
٢. وجَزْلَ العَطايا والصَّنائعَ والعُلى
وطِيبَ الثَّنا والنظمَ والنثر والصُّحفا
3. If the best paragon embodied all perfections,
Or if any ruler before him comprehended his virtues,
٣. عن الأفضلِ المُسْتَكمِل الفضلَ هل حَوى
فضائَله مِنْ قبلهِ ملكٌ وَصْفا
4. The greatest in esteem, and most noble in conduct,
The bravest, and most generous when palms meet palms,
٤. أَجلِّ الوَرَى قَدْرا وأَحْسَن سيرةً
وأشجعِهم نفساً وأكرمهم كَفّا
5. The greatest in rule, magnanimous in ambition,
The firmest, yet gentlest in sympathy,
٥. وأعظمِهم ملكا وأكبر همةً
وأصْلبهم عودا وأَلْيَنهم عِطْفا
6. If such traits are manifest in him in deed,
Yet lacking in others, though partially concealed,
٦. فإنْ ظَهرتْ بالفِعْل منه فإنها
وإن عُدِمتْ في غيرِه بعضُ ما أَخْفَى
7. Sublime qualities in one person collected
As never were found in mankind before him.
٧. مَناقبُ جَلَّتْ أنْ تكون لواحدٍ
وما اسملحتْ منها الورى قبلَه صِنْفا