
And a house I was invited to then did not

وبيت دعيت له ثم لم

1. And a house I was invited to then did not
Find for myself from the universe in it escape

١. وبيت دُعيتُ له ثم لم
أجد لي عنِ الكونِ فيه فَكاكا

2. So increased in it our excess of discomfort
And heat until we desired destruction

٢. فزاد بنا فيه فَرْطُ الزحا
مِ والحرِّ حتى اشتهينا الهلاكا

3. As if its fleas believed they could
Harm, though if they tried they could not budge

٣. أَمِنّا بَراغيثُه أنْ تَضُ
رَّ ولو حاولتْ ما أطاقَتْ حَراكا

4. So if between us entered a mote
Its wall would split at that time

٤. فلو دخلتْ بيننا ذَرَّةٌ
تَشقَّق حائطُه عند ذاكا