
Your hope for attaining happiness is a door,

رجاؤك في نيل السعادة باب

1. Your hope for attaining happiness is a door,
And none below who seek your friendship have a veil.

١. رجاؤكَ في نيلِ السعادةِ بابُ
وما دونَ من يَبْغِى نَداك حِجابُ

2. If a hopeful thought whispers to you, its triumph
Is to obtain from you the entirety of what it desires in response.

٢. إذا أملٌ ناجاك وهْما ففَوْزُه
بجملةِ ما يرجوه منك جَواب

3. Your right hand is for the prosperous an ocean and paradise,
Bearing fruit that never exhausts and clouds that pour.

٣. يَمينُك للعافِين بحرٌ وجَنَّة
لها ثَمرٌ لا ينقِضي وعُباب

4. With you the excellence of the Most Excellent King is shepherded,
So its obtainer is rain and you are the clouds.

٤. رَعَى بك فَضْلُ الأفضلِ الملكِ الوَرَى
فنائِلُه غيثٌ وأنت سحاب

5. He is the sea, the rivers, the Nile and life,
And the rest of mankind's possessions are a mirage.

٥. هو البحرُ والأنهار والنِّيل والحَيا
وسائر أَملاكِ الأَنامِ سَراب

6. From his veneration he has placed you in an exalted position,
It has Saturn, and the stars are but dust.

٦. أَحَّلك من إجلاله في مَحلَّة
لهاَ زُحَلٌ والنَّيِّرات تُراب

7. O God's blessing that has spread through the world,
His beneficence did not suffice to provide an alternative.

٧. فيا نعمةَ اللهِ التي عَمَّت الوَرَى
فإنعامُها لم يُغْنِ عنه مَناب

8. Your servant has some needs within your abundant favor,
The fruits of which for him are praise and reward.

٨. لِعَبْدِك في ميسورِ فضِلك حاجةٌ
نَتيجتُها منه ثَناً وَثَواب

9. Vigor and zeal have urged me to seek you,
And he whose view indicates what is right.

٩. وقد حثَّني في قَصْدِكَ الْحَزْمُ والحِجَا
ومَنْ رأيُه فيما يُشِيرُ صَواب

10. The extent of my ambition for the nights
Is that the two dear ones have included me in their company.

١٠. فحَسْبُ الليالي ما لها فيَّ مَطْمعٌ
فقد ضَمَّني للقائِدَين جَناب

11. And I have entrusted my needs through the favor of the children of Abu Al-
Shujaa', for they are my refuge and destination.

١١. وأنزلتُ حاجاتي بفضلِ بني أبي ال
شجاعِ فهم لي ملجأ ومَآب

12. Indeed God has made successful the efforts at their door,
And a people turned away from it, so they failed.

١٢. فقد أَنْجَحَ اللهُ المَساعي ببابِهم
وأَتْعب قوما جانبوه فخابوا

13. Fields of generosity for hopes are fertile,
Sources of favor for the destitute are torment.

١٣. مَسارح جودٍ للأماني خصيبَةٌ
مَواردُ فضلٍ للعُفاةِ عِذاب

14. He turns to you who has been wronged by fate, and
Insurmountable tribulations have oppressed him.

١٤. إليك الْتَجا مَنْ ضامَه الدهرُ واعتدتْ
عليه خُطوب لا تُطاق صِعاب

15. And how often ruinous adversity has destroyed a person,
And fate has claws and fangs against him.

١٥. وكم حائن أَوْدَى به ضَنْك عيشِه
وللدهرِ فيه مِخْلَبان وناب

16. So he called upon Abu Abdillah in distress,
And that dispelled those tribulations from him.

١٦. فنادى أبا عبد الإله على النَّوَى
فنَفَّس ذاك الخطبَ منه خِطاب

17. And good omens have given me the glad tidings of success,
An unadulterated assumption, a secret that cannot be faulted.

١٧. وقد بشرَتْني بالنجاح دَلائلٌ
وظَنٌّ صَفا سِرّا فليس يُشاب

18. So may your favor attend to whoever seeks it humbly,
For that is a custom that does not fail or pass away.

١٨. فجاهُك موقوف لمن يَسْتَميحَه
وذلك عُرْفٌ لا يُخِلُّ ودَاب

19. Then live in the life of the Most Gracious, who revives the world
With abundant favor that is hoped for and revered.

١٩. فعِشْ في حياةِ الأفضل المنعش الوَرَى
بغامرِ فضلٍ يُرْتَجَى ويُهاب