1. The years have passed and I see myself
Inebriated after the intoxication of youth has faded
١. نَصَلَ الحَوْلُ وأراني
بعدُ من سَكْرةِ النوى مخمورا
2. Return to me the days of Ramah, if it were possible
For what has passed to be reversed
٢. أرجِعوا لي أيامَ رامةَ إنْ كا
ن لِما كان وانقضى أنْ يَحورا
3. And a youth when I had not yet feared
The crow of white hair that might fly away
٣. وشبابا ما كنتُ من قبل نَشْرِ ال
شيب أخشى غُرابَه أنْ يَطيرا
4. If the eyes of the beautiful ones have denied me
By my life, they have surely mistaken someone else for me
٤. إنْ تكنْ أَعيُنُ المَها أنكرتْنِي
فلَعَمْرِي لقد أَصَبْن نكيرا
5. Two dear female friends of mine paid a visit
To console eyes that had become dormant
٥. زاورتْ خُلَّتَيْن منيَ إقتا
را يُقَذِّى عيونَها وقَتيرا
6. I was as they had known me before, then they regarded me as a stranger
I could not bear their estrangement
٦. كنتُ ما قد عَرَفْنَ ثم انْتَحَتْني
غِيَرٌ لم أُطِق لها تغييرا
7. And sorrows that turn the color of happy tidings pale
Let alone change the hair’s appearance
٧. وخُطوبٌ تُحيل صِبْغتها الأب
شارَ فضلا عن أن تُحيل الشعورا
8. And being forgotten by noble men
In whose company my faults were concealed
٨. وافتقادي من الكرام رجالا
كان عيبي في ظلهم مستورا
9. They abandoned me and diminished me, yet how much
I had enriched my life through them, I was bountiful
٩. فارقوني فقلَّلوني وكم كا
ثَرْتُ دهري بهم فكنت كثيرا