1. Perhaps my confession of my sins will intercede for me,
Though I despair, yet in that I am hopeful.
ูก. ูุนู ุงุนุชุฑุงูู ุจุงููุชูุฑุงูู ุดุงูุนู
ููููููุงุช ููููู ุจุฐูู ุทุงู
2. When the multitude of my sins would make me despair,
My hope and my knowledge that your bosom is spacious restore me.
ูข. ุฅุฐุง ุขููุณูุชููู ูุซุฑุฉู ุงูุฐูููุจู ุฑูุฏูููู
ุฑุฌุงุฆู ูุนูู
ู ุฃูู ุตุฏุฑู ูุงุณุน
3. The door of pardon is not closed to me,
Your grace provides ways and means to it.
ูฃ. ูู
ุง ุงูุตูุญู ู
ุณุฏูุฏู ุนูููู ุณุจูููู
ููุถููู ุฃุณุจุงุจู ูู ูุฐูุฑุงุฆูุน
4. I reproach my soul for the sins I have committed,
So my face veils itself in shame.
ูค. ุฃูุนุงุชุจ ููุณู ูู ุฐููุจู ุฌูููุชููุง
ููุณุชุฑ ูุฌูู ููุญูุงุก ุจูุฑุงูุน
5. Yet I have a privilege in the wide plains of your heart,
A residue of love that remains when pledges perish.
ูฅ. ููู ูู ุณููุงูุฏุง ููุจูู ุงูุฑููุญูุจู ููุถููุฉู
ู ุงููุฏูู ุชูุจูููู ุญูู ุชูููููู ุงูููุฏุงุฆุน
6. I trusted in it until a moment led me
To a sin in which the embers of your eyes burned fiercely.
ูฆ. ูุซูุชู ุจู ุญุชู ุญูุฏุงููู ูุญุธุฉ
ู ุงูุฐูุจ ูููุง ุฌูู
ูุฑู ุนูููู ูุงุฐุน
7. To you belong the good deeds while with me it is as if they are
Jewels shining in the necklace of time.
ูง. ูู ุงูุญูุณูุงุชู ุงูุบูุฑูู ุนูุฏู ูุฃููุง
ุฌูุงูุฑู ูู ุฌููุฏ ุงูุฒู
ุงู ููุงู
8. Yet I have an excuse when I make a slip,
For I have from it a sword with a blunted edge.
ูจ. ุนูู ุฃููู ูู ุนุฐุฑุง ุฅุฐุง ู
ุง ุณูููุชูู
ููู ู
ูู ุณููู ุจุงุชุฑ ุงูุญูุฏูู ูุงุทูุน
9. And I have a passion for enemies, though I am
Humble before the reproach of friends.
ูฉ. ููููู ุบูุฑุงู
ููุฃุนุงุฏู ูุฅููู
ุฐูููู ุนูู ุนูุชูุจู ุงูุฃุฎููุงูุก ุฎุงุถุน
10. I am the sinner deserving of reproach, so judge
As you wish, I am listening and obedient to you.
ูกู . ุฃูุง ุงูู
ุฐููุจ ุงูู
ุณุชูุฌุจ ุงูุนูุชูุจ ูุงุญุชูู
ุง ุดุฆุชู ุฅูู ุณุงู
ุนู ูู ุทุงุฆุน
11. Do not fear any estrangement from me in your love,
For your love is the truest thing my ribs have contained
ูกูก. ููุง ุชุฎุดู ู
ูู ุนู ูุฏุงุฏู ููุจููุฉู
ูุญุจู ุฃููููู ู
ุง ุญูููุชูู ุงูุฃุถุงูุน
12. And if my heart deviated from you by a speck,
It would expel it like a splinter from flesh.
ูกูข. ููู ุญุงุฏ ููุจู ุนูู ู
ูุซููุงู ุฐูุฑูุฉู
ูุฃูุจูุนูุฏูู ุนูู ู
ู ุงููููุฎูุฑู ุฏุงูุน
13. So if there is no union or nearness, then let me have
Your pleasure, for I am content with your pleasure.
ูกูฃ. ูุฅูู ูู
ููู ูุตูู ููุฑุจู ูุฃุจูู ูู
ุฑูุถุงู ูุฅูู ุจุงูุฑุถุง ู
ูู ูุงูุน
14. So my praise as long as time endures, O son of Muhammad,
For what you have granted me, remaining ever renewed!
ูกูค. ูุญูู
ุฏูู ูู
ุง ุฃูููุชู ูุง ุจูู ู
ู ุนูู ุทูู ุงูู
ูุฏูู ู
15. O Abu al-Fadl, you are in your essence bounty, though
You have diverse meanings, yet from you they originate.
ูกูฅ. ุฃุจุง ุงููุถูู ุฃูุช ุงููุถูู ุฐุงุชุงู ูุฅู ุชูู
ุนุงููู ุดุชู ูููู ู
ูู ุทูุจุงุฆุน
16. If your good pleasure does not save me by its gentleness,
Then I will be downcast with regret.
ูกูฆ. ุฅุฐุง ูู
ููุฏุงุฑููููู ุฑุถุงู ุจูุทูู
ูุฅูู ูููุณู ุจุงููุฏุงู
ุฉ ุจุงุฎูุน
17. And I weep for bygones that have slipped away from us
Like the laments of doves moaning with grief.
ูกูง. ูุฅูู ูุฃูุจูู ุณุงููุงุชู ุชูุตุฑููู
ููุง ู
ุซูู ู
ุง ุชุจูู ุงูุญู
18. I grieve as they grieved, but my tears
Flow while theirs are not yet flowing.
ูกูจ. ุฃููุญู ูู
ุง ูุงุญุชู ููููู ู
ุชูููุถ ูู
ุง ุชูููุฏูู ููู ู
19. Nights of nearness while youth was fresh
And that mouth uniting us anew!
ูกูฉ. ููุงููู ููุฑุจู ูุงูุดุจุงุจู ุจู
ุฌุฏูุฏู ูุฐุงู ุงูุซุบุฑู ููุดููู
ูู ุฌุงู
20. My life with you all is a future undisturbed
By the severing and separation of white hair.
ูขู . ูุนูุดู ุจูู
ุณุชููุจูู ูุง ููุฑูุนูู
ู ุงูุดูุจู ูุงูุจููููู ุงูู
ูุดุชููุช ุฑุงุฆุน
21. In the sweet sands below Hiraqlah
Are race-courses we roamed between, lands we pastured.
ูขูก. ููู ุนูุฐูุจุงุชู ุงูุฑู
ูู ุฏูู ููุฑูููููุฉู
ูุณุงุฑุญู ูุณุนู ุจูููุง ูู
22. Gardens - when the breeze stirred among them
It sped while languid in its pace ascending them.
ูขูข. ุฑูุงุถู ุฅุฐุง ูุจู ุงููุณูู
ู ุฎููุงูููุง
ุณุนู ูููู ูุงููู ุงูุฎูุทููู ูููู ุทุงูุน
23. In Alexandria beaches are for youth
Pathways for aims with roads intersecting them.
ูขูฃ. ููู ุงูุซุบุฑู ุจุงูุฅุณููุฏุฑูุฉ ููุตููุจุง
ูุณุงููู ููุฃูุบูุฑุงุถ ูููุง ู
24. A land which makes even an old man like me
Return in it to the freshness of youth.
ูขูค. ุฏูุงุฑู ููุงุฏู ุงูุดูุฎู ู
ุซูู ููุทูุจููุง
ูุนูุฏู ูู ูููุง ุดูุจุงุจู ู
25. Who will grant me to enjoy in it a visit?
But obstacles have hindered me from reaching them.
ูขูฅ. ูู
ููู ูู ุจุฃูู ุฃูุญูุธูู ูุฏููุง ุจุฒูููุฑุฉู
ููููู ุนูุฏูุชูููู ุฏููููู ุงูู
26. I have a hope of a return I imagine
To be embellishment of fanciful thinking, and conjectures are deceptive.
ูขูฆ. ููู ุฃู
ูู ูู ุนูุฏุฉู ุฃูุธููููุง
ุฒูุฎุงุฑููู ุธููู ูุงูุธูููู ุฎููุงุฏุน
27. It is no wonder, for destinies may be fulfilled from afar
And the youth, though remote, be brought near.
ูขูง. ููุง ุบูุฑู ูููุฏ ุชูููุตู ุงูู
ููุงุฏูุฑู ู
ู ุฏููุง
ูุชูุฏููู ู
ุน ุงููุฃุณู ุงููุชู ูููู ุดุงุณุน
28. Whoever lives long in the world, happy chances
Alternate for him with misfortunes.
ูขูจ. ูู
ู ุนุงุด ูู ุงูุฏููุง ุทูููุงู ุชููุฑุฑุชู
ุนููู ู
ูุณูุฑุงุชู ููุง ูููุฌุงุฆุน
29. By your life, survival is not worth
The least of what the youth endures and struggles with!
ูขูฉ. ููุนูู
ูุฑูู ู
ุง ุณุงููู ุงูุจูุงุกู ุฃูููู ู
ููุงุจูุฏู ูููุง ุงููุชู ูููุตุงุฑุน
30. A brief moment, it is like honey in the mouth of a nauseated person
- Sweet, but in the midst of it, poison drips.
ูฃู . ุญููุง ูููู ู
ุซูู ุงูุดูุฏู ูู ูู
ููููุฐูู ููู ุงุซูุงุฆู ุงูุณู
ูู ูุงููุน
31. A person rejoices in gains while certain
That what death contains is loss.
ูฃูก. ููุณูุฑูู ุงู
ุฑุค ุจุงููุณุจู ูููู ู
ุจุฃู ุงูุฐู ููุญูููู ู
ุน ุงูู
ูุชู ุถุงุฆุน
32. He schemes to avert feared ills while his life
Is torn apart hour by hour and he takes leave.
ูฃูข. ููุญุชุงู ูู ุฏูููุนู ุงูู
ูุฎููู ูุนู
ุฒูููู ุณุงุนุงุชูู ูููู ูุงุฏูุน
33. He feels secure from the blows of death while he has
Ancestors who died from its assault.
ูฃูฃ. ููุฃู
ูู ุญูู
ููุงุชู ุงูู
ูุงูุง ูุนูุฏู
ูุขุจุงุฆู ู
ู ุจูุทูุดูููู ู
34. Kings who hunt game by compulsion while next to them are
Palace intimates and spears thronging the streets.
ูฃูค. ุชูุบููู ุงูู
ูููู ุงูุตูููุฏู ููุณูุฑุง ูุฏููููุง
ุนูุชุงูู ุงูู
ูุฐุงูู ูุงูุฑููู
ุงุญู ุงูุดูููุงุฑุน
35. The life of mortals is an open prison
- For it complete freedom and confinement.
ูฃูฅ. ุญูุงุฉู ุงูููุฑูู ุณุฌูู ููุณููุงูู ู
ูุฏููุง ูู
ู ุถุงูุชู ุนููู ุงูุฌููุงู
36. The soul has in such resignation rest,
Honor, but in people no resignation.
ูฃูฆ. ูููููุณู ูู ุชูู ุงูููุงุนุฉู ุฑุงุญุฉู
ูุนุฒ ููููู ููุณ ูู ุงููุงุณ ูุงูุน
37. Whoever's hopes nourished his soul
Excessively ate them while hungry.
ูฃูง. ูู
ู ูุงูุช ุงูุขู
ุงู ุฃููุงุชู ููุณูู
ุชูุทุงููู ู
ููุง ุฃูููููู ูููู ุฌุงุฆุน
38. Nights have surely spoken in us and articulated
Advice which, if advice could benefit a person, would be useful.
ูฃูจ. ููุฏ ูุทูุชู ูููุง ุงูููุงูู ูุฃูููุตุญุชู
ุจูุนุธู ููู ุฃูู ุงููุนุธู ููู
ุฑุกู ูุงูุน
39. But when a heart grows deaf, counsel seldom
Profits, however prolonged the talk heard.
ูฃูฉ. ูููู ุฅุฐุง ู
ุง ุตูู
ูู ููุจู ูููููู
ุชูููุฏ ูุฅูู ุทุงู ุงูููุงู
ู ุงูู
40. Of the woes of fortune, none compares to the separation
Of homeland, which even makes the sympathetic friend a stranger.
ูคู . ูู
ู ููููุฏู ุงูุฃูุงู
ู ูุฑูุฉู ู
ููุฃูู ููุฃู ุนูู ุงูุตุฏููู ุงูู
41. Especially a land like mine, a family like my people,
A life like the life of youth.
ูคูก. ููุง ุณูู
ุง ุฃุฑุถ ูุฃุฑุถู ูุฃุณุฑุฉ
ู ูุนูุด ู
ุซู ุนูุด ูุงูุน
42. Three things, if I count them, have no
Fourth to equal them in merit:
ูคูข. ุซูุงุซู ุฅุฐุง ุนูุฏููุฏูุชููุง ูู
ููู ููุง
ุนูู ุตุญุฉู ุงูุชูุณูู
ูู ุงููุถูู ุฑุงุจุน
43. Joy, pleasures purified of major sins
Forbidden to approach us by laws and codes of conduct.
ูคูฃ. ุณุฑูุฑู ููุฐุงุชู ุตูููุชู ู
ู ูุจุงุฆุฑู
ูููุชููุง ุงูููููู ุนู ูุฑูุจููุง ูุงูุดููุฑุงุฆุน
44. These impressions have left me, nor left in my heart
Places for them in its plains.
ูคูค. ุฎููุชู ูุฐู ุงูุขุซุงุฑู ู
ูู ูู
ุง ุฎูุชู
ููุง ู
ู ุฌููุงูู ูู ุงูุณูููููุฏุง ู
45. O people of my love, can someone parted from you
Return to what he was before?
ูคูฅ. ููุง ุฃููู ููุฏููู ูู ูู
ู ุจุงูู ุนููู
ุฅูู ุนูุฏุฉู ูู ู
ุซูู ู
ุง ูุงู ุดุงูุน
46. After you I have a yearning that evokes our sorrow
And makes small in my eyes all I can do.
ูคูฆ. ููู ุจุนุฏููู
ุดููู ุฃูุซุงุฑ ุชุฃุณููููุง
ููุตุบููุฑ ุนูุฏู ูููู ู
ุง ุฃูุง ุตุงูุน
47. So it is no great matter if my teeth should grind for it
Or my fingers gnaw each other.
ูคูง. ูู
ุง ุจูุซูุฑู ููุฑูุนู ุณููููู ูุฃุฌูู
ููุง ุจุนุธูู
ู ุฃูู ุชูุนูุถูู ุงูุฃุตุงุจุน
48. Peace be upon you, followed by similar
Peace and more dawns like it!
ูคูจ. ุนูููู
ู ุชูููุชููููู ุณูุงู
ูู ุชูุจูุนู ุฃู
ุซุงูููุง ูุทููุงุฆูุน
49. A peace like the breezes of gardens suffused
With light in their meadows, far-spreading.
ูคูฉ. ุณูุงู
ู ูุฃููุงุณู ุงูุฑูููุงุถู ุชููุชููุญุชู
ู ุงููููููุฑ ูู ุฃูุจุฑุงุฏูููู ููุดุงุฆุน