
You are praised by all the world, eloquent one

عليك ثناء العالمين فصيح

1. You are praised by all the world, eloquent one
And in you is the loyalty of the knowledgeable, truthful one

١. عليك ثناءُ العالًمين فَصيحُ
وفيكَ ولاءُ العارِفين صَحيحُ

2. You have given generously to all people
So your love is explicit in the hearts' secret core

٢. تبرعتَ بالإحسانِ للناسِ كلِّهم
فحبُّك في سِرِّ القلوب صَريح

3. If a condition becomes ill with poverty that enfeebles it
Then you are for it a healer from what ails it

٣. إذا مَرِضتْ حالٌ بفقرٍ يَميثُها
فأنت لها مما اشْتكتْه مَسيح

4. And it is wondrous that hardship befalls the free man
While your generosity in the two worlds is abundant

٤. ومن عَجبٍ أَنْ يُدركَ الحُرَّ ضَيْقةٌ
وجودُك بينَ العالَمين فسيح

5. Indeed, you have been generous to the extent that even
Hatem Al-Tai's generosity seems stingy compared to your hands' generosity

٥. لقد جُدتَ حتى إنّ حاتمَ طَيِّىءِ
مُضافا إلى جَدْوَى يديك شَحيح

6. Is it just that your existence in the world be suppressed
While it stretches long and wide?

٦. أفي العدلِ أَنْ أَظْما وجودُك في الورى
يَسُحّ على طول المَدى ويَسيح

7. Though my words praising you are well-known
And my heart is inclined to all kinds of prayer

٧. على أنّ لفظي فيك بالمدحِ ذائعٌ
وقلبي بأصنافِ الدُّعاء قَريح

8. I have a need that God is pleased with first
In which there is widespread praise and eulogy

٨. ولي حاجةٌ يَرْضَى بها اللهُ أولا
وفيها ثناءٌ شائعٌ ومديح

9. Its immediate result is repeated thanks and praise
And its long-term harvest is a plentiful profit on Judgement Day

٩. فعاجِلُها حَمْدٌ وشكر مكرِّر
ومَتْجَرُها يومَ المَعادِ رَبيح

10. For I have a family of ten and five maidservants
And the state of my affairs with that is ugly

١٠. فلي عَيْلةٌ عَشْر وجاريَ خمسةٌ
وباطنُ أحوالي بذاك قَبيح

11. And their condition is one of extreme hardship and straits
And they have no comforter but your help

١١. وأحوالُهم في فَرْط عُسْرٍ وضيقةٍ
وليس لهم إلا نَداك مُريح

12. If your grace makes the two accounts equal, surely it is
Your customary ways by which you give comfort

١٢. وفَضْلُك إنْ ساوَى الحِسابَيْن إنها
لَعاداتُك اللاتي بهن تُريح

13. Perhaps a firm resolve by which a hopeful lives
Wounded by the times' events, injured

١٣. عسى عزمةٌ يَحْيا بها منك آمِلٌ
مريضٌ بأَحْداث الزمان جريح

14. Adorn yourself in silence while the nights grow still
To hear along with that how he cries out

١٤. تَجمَّل صمتا والليالي مُصيخةٌ
لتسمعَه معْ ذاك كيف يصيح

15. Shall I hope in the Chosen One and his cousin
For a general calamity while you are the sincere advisor?

١٥. أأرجو سَمِىَّ المصطفى وابنَ عمِّه
لحادثةٍ عَمَّت وأنت نصيح

16. I will thank, O sons of my father Al-Shujaa
Even if it means I end up on my deathbed

١٦. سأشكر ما أوليتموا يا بني أبى
شُجاعٍ ولو أضْحى علىَّ ضريح

17. And I will praise just as the winds praise the living
When a breeze stirs them into the spearheads

١٧. وأُثنِى كما تُثْنى الرياُ على الحَيا
إذا حركتْها في الأَصائِل ريح

18. It is weakness that the free man becomes worthless
While your grace always ripens and towers

١٨. من العجز أنْ يَضْحَى بحُرٍّ خَصاصةٌ
وفضُلك يَهْمِى دائماً ويَميح