
An hour passed, in which life was generous,

وساعة جاد بها العمر

1. An hour passed, in which life was generous,
And time slept, ignoring it.

١. وساعةٍ جاد بها العُمرُ
ونام عن خُلْستِها الدهرُ

2. The birds and spinning wheels sang for us,
Like musicians followed by melody.

٢. والطيرُ والدُّولاب يَشْدو لنا
كمُطرِبٍ يَتْبَعه زَمْر

3. Roses floated above the water between us,
Their red petals scattered.

٣. والوردُ فوق الماء ما بيننا
قد نُثِرتْ أوراقُه الحُمْر

4. My eyes never saw a scene like it -
Water shimmering above embers.

٤. لم تَر عيني منظرا مثله
ماء تَلظَّى فوقه جَمْر

5. We enjoyed it, blooming with delight,
Like commands and affairs bloom with authority.

٥. تِهْنا به زَهْوا كما تَزْدهِي
بالآمرِ الأحكامُ والأمر

6. He whose face is the full moon, and whose words
Are pearls, and whose scent is the sea.

٦. مَنْ وجهُه بدرٌ ومن لفظُه
دُرٌّ ومن راحُته بحر

7. The gifts of his generosity flowed,
As praise and thanks flowed in him.

٧. سارتْ عَطايا جودِه مثلما
قد سار فيه الحمد والشكر

8. He perfumed the world with his traits -
In generosity, until rainfall was shy.

٨. وعَطَّر الدنيا بأوصافه
في الفضل حتى خَجِل القَطْر