1. There is pride, O month of fasting,
In being near the Commander, the Glorious King.
١. هَناكَ الفخرُ يا شهرَ الصيامِ
بقُربِ الآمرِ الملكِ الهُمامِ
2. It suffices you from him an elevated rank and glory
That you frequent once every year.
٢. فحَسْبُك منه منزلةً ومجدا
زذارةُ مرةٍ في كلِّ عام
3. The night of your worth narrates
His destiny's way among people.
٣. لَليلةُ قَدْرِك الغراءُ تحكِى
طريقةَ قَدْرِهِ بين الأَنام
4. Each so lofty, peerless and matchless,
Excelling the ambitious and the high-reaching.
٤. وكلٌّ جَلَّ عن شَبَهٍ ومِثْلٍ
وفاق عن المُطاوِل والمُسامِى
5. He is the reason, without whom for us
The lawful would not be known from sin,
٥. هو السببُ الذي لولاه فينا
لَمَا عُرِف الحلالُ من الحرام
6. Nor would any heart be filled with safety,
Nor would any eye delight in sleep.
٦. ولم يَتَملَّ قلبٌ من أمانٍ
ولم تَتَرَوَّ عينٌ من منام
7. His generosity makes seas seem paltry,
And his face puts the full moon to shame.
٧. يُبخِّل جودُه دِيَمَ الغَوادِي
ويُخجِل وجهُه بدر التَّمام
8. The cycle of nights fears his might,
And the clouds hope for his gift.
٨. ويحْذر بأسَه صَرْفُ الليالي
ويَرْجو رِفْدَه صَوْبُ الغمام
9. A resolve like the knowledgeable and the swords,
A bestowal like life and the churning sea.
٩. نَوالٌ كالحَيا والبحرِ هامٍ
وعزمٌ كالمُثقَّف والحُسام
10. Kings are forced to bow to him,
Due to utmost awe and dread.
١٠. تذلّ له الملوك الصِّيدُ قَسْرا
على فَرْطِ المَهابة والعُرام
11. He has a hidden heavenly army,
Like his evident lion-hearted army on earth.
١١. له جيشٌ سَماويٌّ خَفِيٌّ
كظاهرِ جيشِه اللَّجِبِ اللُّهام
12. The swords of the heavenly host lead,
Whenever the earthly intends a blow.
١٢. تَقُدُّ صَوارمُ العُلْويِّ بَدْءا
إذا الأرضيُّ همَّ بضَرْبِ هام
13. He is victorious in name and deed,
Some deeds being worth more than words.
١٣. هو المنصورُ تسميةً وفِعْلا
وبعضُ الفِعْلِ أضعافُ الكلام
14. He assumed the honor of virtues ingeniously,
And by the inheritance of generous ancestors.
١٤. حَوَى شرفَ المَناقبِ باختراعٍ
له وبإِرْثِ آباءٍ كِرام
15. Guides like stars, and he the full moon,
A necklace, and he its central gem.
١٥. هُداةٌ كالكواكبِ وهْو بدر
وعِقْدٌ وهْو واسِطةُ النِّظام
16. Suns shone in the west, though
Their rising was from the Sacred House.
١٦. شموسٌ أشرقتْ في الغَرْبِ لكنْ
مَطالعُها من البيتِ الحَرام
17. And the House’s folk and its Exalted Stone,
And the Keepers of the Station at the Station.
١٧. وآلُ الحِجْر والحَجَرِ المُعلَّى
وأربابُ المقامة بالمَقام
18. There, O Commander of the Faithful, is near victory,
Brought by complete triumphs.
١٨. أميرَ المؤمنينَ هَناكَ نصرٌ
قريبٌ جاءَ بالتُّحَف الجِسام
19. Like your father's victory on the two days of Hunayn
And Badr, at the arena of trial.
١٩. كنصرِ أبيك في يومَىْ حُنينٍ
وبَدْرٍ عند مُعْتَرك الحِمام
20. The openings of the east and west through your sword,
And the beginning with Greater Syria.
٢٠. فتوحُ الأرضِ شرقا ثم غربا
بسيفك والبداية بالشآم
21. That is a promise of God's revelation before,
And your victory when intents are realized.
٢١. وذلك وعد وحىِ اللهِ قِدْما
ونصرك حين غايات التَّمام
22. So this is eternal bliss that does not fade,
For eras ongoing forevermore.
٢٢. فذا أبدا هناءٌ ليس يفنَى
مدى الدهرِ المُقيمِ على الدوام
23. May the prayers of God and the nights’ succession
Conclude upon you with fragrant peace.
٢٣. صلاةُ اللهِ وما جَرتِ الليالي
عليك ختامُها طِيبُ السلام