
Man does not expose his nakedness in the bath

لا يكشف المرء في الحمام عورته

1. Man does not expose his nakedness in the bath
Except for two states: lack of mind and religion

١. لا يكشفُ المرءُ في الحَمّامِ عَوْرتَه
إلا لحالَيْن فَقْدِ العقلِ والدينِ

2. If he attempted that, it would be an act of coercion
In the market by force, threats, and dishonor

٢. لو رام ذلك منه أمرُ مُغتصِبٍ
في السوق بالقَهْر والتهديد والهُون

3. He would give to avoid exposing his nakedness
What Korah gained, if it were his fortune

٣. لَكان يبذل عن إظهار عورتِه
ما حاز لو أنها أموالُ قارون

4. The state of the market and bath are one
The difference in that has no clear proofs

٤. وحالة السوقِ والحمامِ واحدةٌ
والفرقُ في ذاك معدوم البراهين

5. So why in violating modesty has he invalidated
Two states between condemnation and praise

٥. فما له في انهتاكِ السترِ قد نَقَض ال
حالين ما بين تقبيحٍ وتحسين