1. Do not rejoice in a rank
That your grandfather gave you among people
١. لا تَفْرَحنَّ برُتبةٍ
أَعْطاكَها في الناسِ جَدُّكْ
2. And look at your place in reality
For it is your limit
٢. وانظرْ مكانَك في المكا
رم بالحقيقةِ فهْو حَدُّك
3. You are poor with the rich
If you do not find a mind that helps you
٣. أنت الفقيرُ مع الغِني
إنْ لم تجد عقلا يُمِدُّك
4. Enough you were able to acquire appearances
Are people's hearts your troops?
٤. هَبْك اقتدرتَ على الظوا
هرِ هل قلوبُ الناس جُنْدُك
5. Do not be fooled that you are loved
And do not be pleased by whoever repels you
٥. لا يَغْررُنَّك أنْ تُها
ب ولا يروقُك من يَرُدّك
6. For it is a disaster that you slip
So no one answers the one who repels you
٦. فمن البليةِ أن تز
لُ فلا يُجيِبك من يَرُدُّك
7. And if you are tested by losing him
Then the best is what you were impatient to lose
٧. وإذا بُليتَ بفَقْدِه
فخيارُ ما استعجلتَ فَقْدُك