1. The book arrived, and I nearly died of joy
Kissing the hand of its messenger
١. وصل الكتابُ فكدتُ من فرجٍ به
أوهِى يمينَ رسوله تَقْبيلا
2. As if I were a thirsty man who stumbled
Upon a spring, and my despair was quenched
٢. فكأنني ظمآن ضَلَّ بقَفْزةٍ
حتى انتهى يأسا أصاب النيلا
3. And I think my Master was inspired by the words
Of one who composed verse and far-fetched interpretation
٣. وأظنُّ مولاي اقْتَدَى بمقالِ مَنْ
نَظم القريضَ وأَغْرَب التأويلا
4. If horses were not yoked for the chase
There would be no joy in attaining the beloved after pursuit
٤. لولا طِرادُ الخيلِ لم تك لذةٌ
فَتطارَدِي لي بالوصالِ قليلا
5. You have always taken happiness as a companion
And glory as your home, and eternity as a friend
٥. لا زلتَ تتخذ السعادةَ صاحبا
والعزَّ دارا والبقاءَ خليلا
6. You are praised in pages
That are recited in the tongues of people chanting
٦. تُثْنِى بما أُثِنى عليك صحائفٌ
تُتْلَى بألسنةِ الورى تَرْتيلا