
May he feel some of my pain, so he pardons or lessens his reproach,

عسى يبلى العذول ببعض ما بي

1. May he feel some of my pain, so he pardons or lessens his reproach,
And his heart clings to hope and despair regarding my condition of remoteness and nearness.

١. عسى يُبْلَى العذولُ ببعضِ ما بي
فيَعْذُرَ أو يُقَصِّرَ عن عِتابي

2. And longing springs from him to console me,
As the tattoo springs on dyed skin.

٢. ويَعْلَقَ قلبَه طمعٌ ويأسٌ
على حالَىْ بِعادٍ واقْتراب

3. Yes, and his father, had the branches of youth not withered in him
And the secret promise did not become a wink

٣. ويَعدوُ الشوقُ منه على التَّسلِّى
كما يعدو النُّصولُ على الخِضاب

4. To him from behind the veil,
And he saw how the nights adorn him

٤. نعم وأبيه لو ماسَتْ لديه
غصونُ الأيْكِ في وَرَق الشَّباب

5. With times of intimacy and caresses,
And how union is stolen without a promise

٥. وصار خَفىُّ سِرِّ الوَعْد غَمْزا
إليه بالجفون من النِّقاب

6. After rejection and avoidance,
And words of refusal appear

٦. وأَبْصَرَ كيف تُتْحِفه الليالي
بأوقاتِ الخَلاعة والتَّصابي

7. Gently during reproachful conversation,
And he sipped the ripe lips

٧. ومختِلس الوصال بغير وعدٍ
لصَبٍّ بعدَ صَدٍّ واجْتناب

8. Illuminated by the smile of contentment,
And spent the night kissing it insistently

٨. وألفاظَ التنصُّلِ حين تبدو
بلطفٍ في مُذاكرِة العتاب

9. While the breasts refused hardship,
He would have been my aid and seen my errors

٩. وَرَشْفَ أَقاحِيِ الثَّغْرِ المُنَدَّى
مُنَوَّرُه بمعسولِ الرُّضاب

10. Far from right and proper.
And realized that the reproach of passion is disastrous,

١٠. وَضَمّا بات يَلْثَمه التزاما
وَتَأباه النهودُ من الكَعاب

11. Yet living in that torment is sweet.
I will race in love the steeds of intimacy,

١١. لَكانَ مُساعِدى ورأى مَلامى
من الخطأ البعيدِ من الصواب

12. And spur them wantonly.
I will drink my share of youth deeply,

١٢. وَأَيْقَنَ أَنّ لَوْمَ الصَّبِّ لُؤْمٌ
وعذب العيشِ في ذاك العذاب

13. Before it passes and turns away.
When forty years appear before me,

١٣. سأُركِض في الهوى خيلَ التَّصابِي
وَأُعمِل في غَوايَتِه رِكابي

14. My youth prepares to leave.
If it left, I would achieve more than it,

١٤. وَأرشُفُ سُؤْرَ حَظِّى من شبابٍ
يَجِلُّ عن التَّعوُّضِ والإياب

15. For I would be under the shade of my soil.
A man who gathered all virtues so they are in him

١٥. فعَشْرُ الأربعين إذا بَدا لي
تأهبَتِ الشَّبيبةُ للذهاب

16. As they were fated to be.
He bought good praise at every price,

١٦. ولو ذهبتْ لنِلْتُ أجَلَّ منها
لكَوْني تحتَ ظِلِّ أبى تُراب

17. And walked the path of highness through every door.
So he gained praise and glory

١٧. فتىً جَمع الفضائلَ فهْى فيه
كما كانت فذلك في الحساب

18. Through effort, striving, and earning.
By sword and pen he has pride

١٨. شَرَى طِيبَ الثَّناء بكل سعرٍ
وسار إلى العُلَى من كل باب

19. Magnified among fighters and books.
So his hand enriches on days of gifts

١٩. فقد نال المحاَمد والمعالى
بِجِد واجْتهادٍ واكتساب

20. And his sword devastates on days of fighting.
He has a palm that brings back bounty and reveals,

٢٠. له بالسيف والقلم افتخارٌ
تَعاظمَ في الكَتيبة وَالكِتاب

21. Watering seas and clouds.
Through it, freshness overflows to all who are well,

٢١. فيُغِنى خَطُّه يوم العَطايا
ويُفنى سيفُه يومَ الضِّراب

22. Like the sea's overflow with foam.
His hands are blessed and grace,

٢٢. له كفٌ تُعيد ندىً وتُبدى
فتُزْرِى بالبحار وبالسحاب

23. Adorned with the crafts' necklaces.
If you desire a sign of merit,

٢٣. يُفِيض بها النُّضار لكل عافٍ
كَفَيْضِ البحر يَزْخَر بالعُباب

24. Yours for the taking without veil.
His generosity benefits you with wealth and status,

٢٤. لقد جَلَّت أياديه وجالتْ
مُقلِّدةَ الصَّنائعِ في الرِّقاب

25. And rises above request and ambition.
You can nearly gain what you seek from him

٢٥. إذا يَممت حَيْدرةً لفضلٍ
فدُونَك ما تُريد بلا حجاب

26. Of what students desire.
His merit prides itself in every

٢٦. يُفيدك جودُه مالا وجاها
ويَشْرُف عن مِطال وارتقاب

27. Noble deed, for beauty and reward.
For the house of my father Shujaa,

٢٧. تكاد تنال ما تبغيه منه
من المطلوب من قبلِ الطِّلاب

28. Virtues in reality and words have grown great.
Faces of beauty with chastity,

٢٨. تُباهي فضلُه في كل فعلٍ
شريفٍ للجميل وللثواب

29. And deeds of beauty without conceit.
Your rule, oh Shah of Shahs, has exalted you

٢٩. لقد عَظَمَت لآلِ أبى شجاع
محاسنُ في العِيانِ وفي الخِطاب

30. So through your merit we have the honor of affiliation.
So his praises of you do not cease

٣٠. وجوهٌ للجمال على عَفافٍ
وفعلٌ للجَميل بلا اعْتِجاب

31. Succeeding between travel and pouring.
You are between the thankful and praising

٣١. عَلاكم مُلْكُ شاهِنْشاهَ حتى
لكم من فضله شرفُ انْتِساب

32. Whose tales spread, and the praying whose prayers are answered.

٣٢. فلا زالت منائحه عليكم
تَوالَى بين سَحٍّ وانسكاب

٣٣. فأنتم بين ذي شكرٍ ومدحٍ
يذِيعُ وذي دعاءٍ مستجاب